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ILI9341 with STM32 SPI troubles

I am trying to interface with an SPI ILI9341 screen using an STM32 microcontroller. I know there are a whole lot of things that can go wrong with these interfaces, and I've spent an awful lot of time ...
Will's user avatar
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Which startup file should I use?

Bundled with "Standard peripheral library" for my STM32F2 chip, are "startup" files startup_stm32f2xx.s. There is actually 5 different startup files, in five ...
Randomblue's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I program the STM32F401CCU6?

I am transitioning from Arduino to STM32 development. I just purchased an STM32F401CCU6 board and I cannot get it recognized by my computer. I am running Ubuntu 22.04. I have tried searching ...
Harit's user avatar
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STM32G0 Stuck on SMBUS Slave

This question has been "self answered". Please see answer below. I am trying to communicate with SMBUS Master and Slave configuration on both STM32G070RB (NUCLEO Boards). So the master ...
devscg's user avatar
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Which flash sector to write into?

I need to save working configuration of my embedded application to the flash memory. I am using STM32f746 uController. According to the datasheet. There is 8 sectors on the main block of the flash ...
ihsanogluu's user avatar
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4 answers

Where should the interrupt vector table be placed in memory on STM32H7A3RGT6 chips?

According to the STM32H7 programming manual "On system reset, the vector table is at address 0x00000000." But at the same time the STM32H7A3 reference manual says in it's memory map ...
ultraturbonoob's user avatar
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Cannot read accelerometer values from MPU6050 Interfaced with STM32F303RE

I m working on a "self-balancing robot" with STM32F303RE.I m using STCubeMX to generate the MCU configuration code and then I added the main() to get the values from MPU6050 from the following code : ...
Shubham Kumar's user avatar