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2 votes

Protection for transistor driving a coil

Here's one approach: by equipping the coils with current sensors, you can detect if current in any one is excessive. I do that here with a transistor and current sense resistor for each coil: ...
Simon Fitch's user avatar
1 vote

What is the best way to multiplex 64 coils?

The essence of the DGT suggestion from BitLauncher in comments is that it uses 8 file-wise transmit coils, and 8 rank-wise receive coils, so half of the multiplexing is already done by the geometry of ...
Neil_UK's user avatar
  • 174k
1 vote

Using MOSFETs to control series-wound flipper coil

The most obvious issue is that you're driving the MOSFET gates with an extremely large gate resistor. You need to drive them with a proper drive circuit to get them to turn on quickly without blowing ...
Hearth's user avatar
  • 38.5k
1 vote

Not getting spark from ignition coil test circuit

The polarity of your battery is wrong and a typical good old ignition coil needs a capacitor of around 200 nF / 250 V across the switch for a powerful spark. The secondary winding together with the ...
Jens's user avatar
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1 vote

Not getting spark from ignition coil test circuit

2.5V at the gate is probably not enough to make the MOSFET conduct well enough to generate a spark. From what I find, it takes 4 milliseconds or more to "charge" a spark plug coil. You need ...
JRE's user avatar
  • 73.5k

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