It's easier to place the PCB near the origin when using a pen plotter to draw it.
However, when I plot a mirrored PCB with pcbnew, it also changes the PCB position (it mirrors the whole page).
So, in order to get my PCB near the origin, I have to place it at the right bottom corner. This solution doesn't seem to be the standard way of doing that, because the PCB needs to overlap the page borders, as seen in the screenshot below.
I also tried to flip my board over and place it at the origin, then plotting it without mirroring. As seen in the picture below, that's not the best solution either. I can't figure out where exactly is the origin and the PCB again needs to overlap the page borders.
Inkscape doesn't seem understand some HPGL commands used by KiCad so I can't use it to fix the PCB position. EAGLE has an option to offset the PCB origin (the actual PCB left bottom corner). Is there anything similar in KiCad?