I have some of the information, but a lot of it is missing and I cant find a clear answer on the web.
The general form of a second order dynamic system is:
x(t) - is the output, e.g current
f(t) - is the input, e.g a voltage signal
zeta - is the damping coefficient
wn - is the natural frequency
An example of a second order dynamic system is a RLC circuit. If a resistor, capacitor, and inductor are connected to a power source with voltage at time t equal to f(t), the summed voltage across the three components always equals f(t) at any time t.
So for example if f(t) is a step input from 0 to 6V, the equation will be:
If this equation is rearranged so that it is in the general form shown in equation [1], then you will be able to find out the natural frequency of the system (omega_n) and the damping coefficient of the system (zeta).
The general form of a first order dynamic system in laplace space is:
G(s) - is the transfer function (output/input)
k - is the "gain" of the system
a - is the zero of the system, which partially determines transient behavior
b - is the pole of the system, which determines stability and settling time
An example of a first order dynamic system is a RC circuit. The voltage across the resistor plus the voltage across the capacitor equal the voltage of the source f(t) at any time t.
So again, for a step input from 0 to 6V, the equation will be:
In laplace space this is
rearrange to general form:
$$I(s) =\frac{6}{Rs+\frac{1}{c}}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:[9]$$
$$I(s) =\frac{\frac{6}{R}}{s+\frac{1}{Rc}}\:\:\:\:\:\:\:[10]$$
Since the input was the step input 6, you can see that the steady state gain is equal to 6/R, the pole is equal to 1/RC, and there are no zeros. You could do the inverse laplace transform of this equation to find out the instantaneous current i(t) at any time t.
Now my questions:
I have shown the general form of a first order dynamic system in laplace space, and the general form of a second order dynamic system in time space, but what is the general form of a first order system in time space, and a second order system in laplace space? I have definitely seen these written somewhere but I can't find them in my notes or online.
How would you go from equation [3], to the general form (time space) as shown in equation [1]?
Any answer is much appreciated, even if it only answers one of the questions, or partially answers a question. Thanks for reading!