I'm building a simple ring counter
with two jk flip-flop. I'm using 74HC76
integrated that contains two jk.
This is the integrated pinout:
This is my schematic (very basic):
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
To build a working circuit it's necessary that you connect pin 5
to Vcc (5V) and pin 13
to GND. But...
The problem is that in the circuit that I'm observing on my desk the ring counter only works when pin 5
(Vcc) is unwired. It means that if I wire pin 5 to Vcc I got always 10 output. Is that possible?
If no what's the matter of my circuit?
I've tried all:
- I've substituted the integrated -> same problem
- I've checked another time pin connection -> same problem
- I've changed wires -> same problem
EDIT: I initialize the first jk with 1
using a button and preset and clear pin.