I'm trying to figure out with the most minimal part count how to convert an input of a digital IC to an edge-triggered input.
I am using the 82C55 IC and the input on it I want to make negative edge-triggered is the WR input. This is because I want to control both WR and the clock of an external latch (74HC574) with only one GPIO pin of a microcontroller.
I am able to pull this off by using a multivibrator (CD4538) and connecting the output of it to WR but the thing with that is I have to add a capacitor and resistor to create my own timing.
Is there a simpler way to convert a level-based input (where an output happens based on what level the input is at) to an edge-triggered input without introducing unnecessary long timings (which could happen with my multivibrator approach) and without using too many extra parts?