I'm designing an arithmetic circuit that takes in two one-bit binary numbers as input and outputs the result with LEDs representing 1's and 0's for each digit. OUT1 represents the state of the first digit, whereas OUT2 represents the state of the second digit.
The circuit for the first digit is working properly. If I switch IN2 (the first number) to 1, OUT1 lights up, as it should. I have not yet completed the second piece of that circuit that will set light up OUT1 should IN1 be 1 and IN2 be 0, that will come after this problem is solved.
The problem lies in OUT2. When I simulate in Multisim, if both IN1 and IN2 are switched on, OUT1 should turn off (which it does) and OUT2 should turn on (which it does not). I don't understand why it wouldn't be turning on, as I have what I believe to be a direct AND gate leading to OUT2.
A picture of my circuit is shown below, any help with this would be greatly appreciated.