I'm making a circuit to program the AT89S52 microcontroller in a serial fashion as follows:
Call me paranoid but this time I'm using resistors on all outputs to the micro as well as RC networks on the reset and clock lines. I also am using a jumper on the EA/VPP line in case I need to use it for programming as well.
I am using NOR gates (I know I know, I'm using the european version instead of the US version of the symbols but they're designed more neatly) as a latch to control all communications.
Because this design (that I made the PCB for) calls for 74HC series of chips, I happen to own a 74HCT02 NOR gate, but I don't own any 74HC02 NOR gates.
This circuit is powered with regulated 5VDC and the parallel port is set to run in Standard Parallel port mode with no bidirectional capability.
If I replaced the 74HC02 with 74HCT02, would the circuit still work without the need for any extra parts?