TLDR: I'm trying to create a simple 200 feet range "morse code transmitter" (which is legal according to the FCC), which is really just an AM transmitter that can transmit a single frequency tone (lets say, a nice 400 Hz tone).
What I plan to do is have a pushbutton to allow or block the 400 Hz tone (created using 555 IC) from going into the transmitter, which will allow me to send dots and dashes (by quickly pressing the pushbutton for a dot, or holding it down for a little longer for a dash).
My goal is to keep this circuit very basic (not too many components) so that it is easy to understand and learn from. This means that I also don't need any "quality" features (such as cleaning up sound quality, etc). I'm just hoping for a bare-bones transceiver, so I wanted to ask here for suggestions for a circuit that meets the following requirements:
- Antenna(s) less than 3 ft (the smaller the better)
- Can be powered using a 9V battery (or two)
- The receiver can "play" the received Morse code signal using a DC piezo buzzer or an LED
- Can transmit to 200 feet (which is legal without a license, according to the FCC)
- It can transmit at any frequency.
Other than those, feel free to use your creativity. Also, I'm planning to use this in a university setting, which is for educational purposes, which is also allowed by the FCC. Please let me know if you have any questions; I'd be happy to elaborate.
Also, please note that I don't need a Morse code generating mechanism; I'll simply do that using a 555 timer; I just want to learn how to extend its range. From my research and experimentation, I've only been able to transmit around 5-10 feet, and despite weeks of searching, I wasn't able to get it to transmit further.
Lastly, I know that this question is quite similar to this post, but I found the answers hard to learn from, as not much circuitry is discussed.