I have a system that is powered by a 3V battery. I want to add a buzzer that will take 30mA for 0.1 seconds, so I'm experimenting with capacitors to prevent voltage drops from the current peaks as they cause a microcontroller to reset.
When calculating capacitor size I'm seeing something in the results that doesn't make sense to me.
Using the following formula, as I increase the Voltage drop size and keep the current and time constant, the capacitor becomes smaller.$$C=\frac{it}{\Delta V}$$
For i = 30mA and t = 0.1s,
Why would a larger voltage drop require a smaller capacitor, or what am I interpreting wrong?
A second question, I've seen people suggest adding a series resistor before the capacitor to "isolate" the drop, wouldn't this just make the voltage even lower at the buzzer, since the 30mA are still being drawn by it and now are being dropped at the resistor. Would a diode work instead?