I have purchased a pH sensor board and it gives me an output in millivolts. I want to read this using an Arduino.
Usually this boards outputs from 400-1200 mV. When I use a multimeter, it gives me a reading of the output of the board.
Now when I connect the output of this board (which is giving me 400 mV output) to an Arduino analog input, the Arduino reads it as 3.3 V or something.
Then I thought it has to be an impedance issue. So I thought: let me put a unit buffer op-amp (LM324) inbetween and see if that works.
When I connect that 400 mV signal from the board to the unit-gain buffer op-amp, the op-amp gives 3.4 V as output (supply to op-amp is 5 V dc).
I don't understand why this is happening. Instead of giving me 400 mV it gives me 3.3 V. In this case the Arduino is out of the picture, as I am measuring the output of the op-amp with a multimeter.
I though there might be something wrong with my unit buffer op-amp, so what I did was: I used a voltage divider and generated 400 mV from it and supplied it to the op-amp.
In this case the op-amp did work as it should and gave me an output of 400 mV, so the op-amp is working properly. I used a battery here for the voltage divider supply.
I dont understand why the op-amp does not work as it should when I supply the output of my pH board.
Could you guys tell me what is issue here? I am not an expert in op-amps, but maybe current has some hand in this?