I am trying to put together the ZVS circuit from this website https://www.electroboom.com/?p=1198, however I can not seem to get the circuit to work in a simulation Falstad Circuit, I have already built the circuit minus the inductors and LC tank. and I want to change the circuit to get a lower resonance current.
fortunately I have had a lot of help with working this out on a previous question! However I am not sure how to calculate the voltage going across the tank circuit.
If someone could show me what Ive done wrong on the falstad simulation for it not to be working with the original values , and then could point me in the right direction for working out the voltage across the LC tank that would be fantastic! (I know that the lc tank and the 2 200uh inductors form a loop of total 0 v using KVL and that V = L di/dt, which if i knew the current I could intergrate to solve for v, however I dont know what the current is either.)