I have 8 different boards that can be triggered via capacitive touch and I need to feed into one input of a microcontroller. Whenever one board goes HIGH, the microcontroller's input should also change state(I don't care if it is HIGH or LOW, as long as it detects the change).
After searching the web I think that CD4078 is what will cover it, but here's the catch:
Inputs can stay HIGH for anything between 1 second and 1 minute.
Every time an input goes HIGH the microcontroller needs to know it, regardless if another input had been HIGH already.
Ideally, the gate's output should change state momentarily regardless of the input's duration, and be able to change state again once another input goes HIGH.
I know that I can accomplish this with an Arduino, but I'm trying to keeps costs down as this circuit will have to be replicated 11 times(11 x 8 inputs).
Does such an OR gate exist, or can I accomplish it with only a few more components?
I need 11 [groups of 8 touch sensor signals to 11 binary signals to the MCU]
If the group a touch is sensed in makes a significant difference, please add that to the question body. \$\endgroup\$