I have the following circuit as a transimpedance amplifier for ultrasound application:
I checked all the possible criteria for the stability of the circuit, including phase margin, step response overshoot,....., and all of them confirm the circuit should be stable, following we see the diagram bode as well. As it is clear there is an picking in the bode diagram around 30MHz.
I have 64 of this amplifier design on my PCB. I have used 5 decoupling capacitor for each Amplifier, two 100nF for +/- and two 2.2 uF for +/- and one 100 nF between positive and negative rail. When I apply +/-3 V to the circuit the PCB draws about 700mA current (e.g. 350mA form positive rail and 350mA from negative rail). In fact the circuit should consumes 64mA form positive rail and 64mA form negative rail based on the datasheet of the OPA838. Besides, I noticed all the Op-Amps are unstable and oscillates. But, when I reduce the supply voltage to +/- 1V everything is nominal and the current consumption is about 64mA from each rail and non of the Op-amps are unstable. Would you please let me know why is that? based on the datasheet the supply voltage can be +/-2.5V?!
Would you please let me know how can I make the circuit stable in +/-2.5V? and what is the root cause for this instability?