I've trying to determine the voltage gain of this circuit (a small signal model of a MOSFET and a few resistors), but I'm having trouble getting enough equations to substitute. I see that ro and Rs are a voltage divider, so ... $$V_{in} = V_1 + (V_{out} + g_m*V_1*r_o)\frac{R_s}{R_s + r_o}$$
$$\longrightarrow V_{out} = \frac{V_{in} - V_1(1 + gm*r_o\frac{R_s}{R_s + r_o})}{\frac{R_s}{R_s + r_o}}$$
But from here, I need V1 in terms of vin or vice versa and i'm not sure how to go about that. I'm also interested if somebody has a more "clever" solution to determine vout/vin.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
For the curious, this is how I got to this schematic: