I need to drive a high side N-channel IGBT continuously. The circuit is essentially a passthrough, and the only thing I want to do is turn this pass through line on or off (usually if not always on) using a MOSFET. The line is 500V and running around 20A.
Using an external power source of 15 volts to drive a FAN73711MX driver, will I still be looking at the Cboot discharging and causing disturbances in my power flow on the line, or will this work at a zero switching frequency. If not what can be done?
Continued: So I Have added a charge pump circuit to the design, as well i have switched from MOSFET to IGBT because it makes more sense.
At this high of a voltage I have not been able to find any other solutions to this problem. Will this circuit work or is there another option that I should look into.
The power source is coming from an off the wall 15v supply, and the 500V lines are being stepped down from a PV array.