The STM32F family requires decoupling capacitors, but all of the documentation gives only limited (and vague) guidance on what types of capacitors to use. For example, in the datasheet for the STM32F103R6, page 73, they say that a particular 10nF capacitor between VDDA and VSSA should be "ceramic (good quality).” Is good quality a low-ESR ceramic like X5R, or a low voltage-dependence ceramic like C0G?
Also, here in AN4325 - Getting started with STM32F030xx and STM32F070xx series hardware development:
What is a "chemical capacitor"? Is it just a wet aluminum electrolytic?
My basic question is this: what kind of capacitors do people typically use for decoupling on STM32 MCUs? Would X5Rs 16V for the ceramics and aluminum polymer (not wet aluminum) also 16V for the bulks be acceptable choices? If not, what should I pick?