Linked Questions

11 votes
2 answers

Does my circuit need decoupling caps? [duplicate]

I have a very simple design that I'm now working on the PCB layout for. And at the moment I'm thinking about the issue of decoupling capacitors. The board is very simple and only consists of this: <...
David Högberg's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why is a capacitor used to protect CMOS chips? [duplicate]

I am studying digital electronics. A book says that "use a 0.1 μF capacitor between Vcc and ground for each IC". What does this mean? Why can a capacitor protect CMOS chips? Does it mean that a ...
Heigenberg HP's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What is the application of capacitor between Vcc and GND [duplicate]

This is a schematic of a ATmega328P used circuit. It has paralleled two 100nF capacitors between Vcc and GND. (C8 and C9) What is the function of this two capacitors and why they are paralleled?
user_fs10's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why I need capacitors on VCC? [duplicate]

I want to build my own dev board (mostly to understand some concepts), and I started from some schematics that I found on the internet, but I have some questions about this schematic: Why do I need ...
Vesa95's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What is the use of a capacitor between Vdd and Vss (or Vcc and Vee)? [duplicate]

I'm trying to make my STM32 communicate VIA Can. Therefore I'm making use of the CAN transceiver MCP 2551. In many circuits I've seen a 100 nF between Ground and Vdd. What is the reason for that? Here ...
cylex's user avatar
  • 89
0 votes
1 answer

Why are capacitors used in battery chargers [duplicate]

I'm looking at this IC: link here And noticed under "typical application" a simple circuit diagram. What is the purpose of the capacitor that connects Vin directly to ground? How does this affect ...
Zack Newsham's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What are these capacitors doing here? [duplicate]

I'm trying to connect a BNO080(IMU) to my microcontroller on a PCB. There are capacitors at the voltage input to the IC and I don't properly understand what these capacitors are doing or how their ...
Siddharth Sudhakar's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Multiple small schemes in one [duplicate]

Hello I wanted to build this serial to usb converter with ft323R, but I don't understand the small marked part on the left bottom. I found the same thing in other schematics too. I know where to ...
user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to set up L293D - correct solution? [duplicate]

I want to control DC motors with L293D IC using my Raspberry Pi. I wanted to set it up similarily to this: But then I found one article on Instructabiles, which said that it would work, but correct ...
Bazilion's user avatar
255 votes
9 answers

Decoupling caps, PCB layout

I guess I've been somewhat ignorant when it comes to the finer details of pcb layout. Lately I've read a couple of books that try their best to lead me on the straight and narrow. Here is a couple of ...
morten's user avatar
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85 votes
8 answers

Decoupling capacitors: what size and how many?

Lots of chips nowadays require smoothing capacitors between VCC and GND for proper function. Given that my projects run at all sorts of different voltage and current levels, I was wondering if anyone ...
jeremy's user avatar
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46 votes
9 answers

Why use capacitors?

Why do you need to store the voltage for some time in a capacitor? I've always assumed circuits to work when you power it on and stop when you power it off. Why can't the whole circuit be drawn ...
14 votes
5 answers

What is the purpose of an electrolytic capacitor in this small electronics project?

As someone trying to learn electronics, I found the following diagram where there are these two electrolytic capacitors (470uF). Could someone explain the use of these components? How does the number/...
greener's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

What is the purpose of a capacitor to ground?

I have here a filtering circuit from a microwave. What is the point of the capacitors to ground. Another answer in a previous question of mine said they were used for filtering however I don't ...
user1084113's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

What are coupling and decoupling capacitors?

I have come through many places stating capacitors as coupling and decoupling capacitors, but I can't understand what is meant by coupling and de-coupling capacitors? Can anyone explain me what they ...
Andrew Flemming's user avatar

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