
I have found like this code.

Always @(posedge clk iff rst==0 or posedge rst)

I think above code like clock gating code. As I know , when rst is 1 then this block is never triggered. So in other word, if I make rst 0 then the block is working.

But I'm not sure why this schme is introduced in here?


1 Answer 1


iff is an event qualifier. It doesn't matter what the event left of the iff (edge or value change).

IEEE Std 1800-2012 § Conditional event controls:

The @ event control can have an iff qualifier.
module latch (output logic [31:0] y, input [31:0] a, input enable);
always @(a iff enable == 1)
y <= a; //latch is in transparent mode
The event expression only triggers if the expression after the iff is true (as defined in 12.4), in this case when enable is equal to 1. This type of expression is evaluated when a changes and not when enable changes. Also, in similar event expressions of this type, iff has precedence over or. This can be made clearer by the use of parentheses.

IEEE Std 1800-2012 suggests that iff could be synthesizable Sequential logic always_ff procedure, however it is currently uncommon for a synthesizer to support iff. Therefore, it is not recommended to use iff in coded intended to be synthesized. There an semi-exception I mention below using `ifdef/`ifndef.

If it becomes synthesizable, iff could be used for clock, but it sill may not be the recommenced approach. Clock gating should be used for gating the clock of a large module that need to be dynamically suspended or turned off/on; not for handful of flops. Clock gating is rarely beneficial for small edge trigger designs. Typically using an enable pin or Q to D feedback is sufficient power/area savings.

A place where iff is helpful in RTL is with the classic scheduling issue with overlapping asynchronous set/reset. When rst_n and set_n are both low, reset (in the below example) has priority. If rst_n were to go high with set_n renaming low (no transition), a real flop would asynchronous set, but RTL will do nothing.

alway_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n, negedge set_n) begin
  if (!rst_n) begin
     // ...
  else if (!set_n) begin
     // ...
  else begin
     // ...

Adding posedge rst_n iff !set_n to the sensitivity list allows the corner case condition to function property. Since iff is not [currently] synthesizable, an `ifndef `endif needs to be warped around it

alway_ff @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n, 
    `ifndef SYNTHESIS
      posedge rst_n iff !set_n,
    negedge set_n) begin
  // ...
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Did you mean that it is currently "recommended not to use iff in code intended to be synthesized"? You have written "recommended to to use iff ..." ? I tried to edit the answer because I believe that was your intention, but my edit was rejected. \$\endgroup\$
    – cbalos
    Commented Mar 6, 2017 at 7:20
  • \$\begingroup\$ @cojomojo I see the typo and will correct it. As far as I know iff is not supported by synthesis, but that could change. \$\endgroup\$
    – Greg
    Commented Mar 6, 2017 at 17:20

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