I'm implementing a driver for the Intel 8259A PIC for x86. To do this properly, I am reading the Intel 8259A PIC Datasheet. It is halfway comprehensible even for someone who approaches controller chips exclusively from the software perspective like me but there is this diagram I don't get:
It is the 8-bit pointer sent from the controller to the CPU in response to the second #INTA (interrupt acknowledgement) raise.
IR is an abbreviation for "interrupt request," the D
bits denote the data lines of the 8-bit data buffer of the controller.
What are these T3
, T4
, ..., T7
? The datasheet does not mention them ever again, they are just there. I already wrote a driver for the Intel 8042 (guided by the IBM 5170 (PC AT) Technical Reference) and the T0
and T1
bits were called "test inputs" there (p. 1-44).
Is that related to the T
bits from the description of the Intel 8042 controller? What other meaning could these names have?
bits are initialized with ICW2 and set according to that ICW in future vector bytes (the said 8-bit pointer). Is this possible? \$\endgroup\$