In the following code, I attempt to randomize the transaction which contains a dynamic array 'PhyRB', with the constraint that each element in the array is less than 'ResBlks' value. Please note that both 'PhyRB' array and 'ResBlks' are of unsigned (bit [6:0]
) type:
module tb;
typedef enum logic {Type2=0, Sorted=1} PhyRBAlloc_t; // RBs allocation type
class Txn;
rand bit [6:0] ResBlks; // Number of resource blocks (NRB)
rand PhyRBAlloc_t PhyRBAllocType; // Physical RB allocation type
rand bit [6:0] PhyRB[2][]; // Physical RB mapping
// Array of unique values
constraint ArrSize {
PhyRB[0].size() > 0;
PhyRB[0].size() <= ResBlks;
PhyRB[1].size() == PhyRB[0].size();
constraint vals {
foreach(PhyRB[0][i]) PhyRB[0][i] < ResBlks;
if(PhyRBAllocType == Type2) {
foreach(PhyRB[1][i]) PhyRB[1][i] < ResBlks;
unique { PhyRB[0] };
unique { PhyRB[1] } ;
constraint ResBlksConstraint {
ResBlks inside {6,15,25,50,75,100};
function void post_randomize;
if(PhyRBAllocType == Sorted) begin
PhyRB[1] = PhyRB[0];
initial begin
Txn txn;
txn = new;
txn.ResBlks = 50;
$error("txn rand failed");
$error("PhyRBAllocType rand failed");
$error("PhyRB rand failed");
$info($sformatf("UsedRBNum: %0d", txn.PhyRB[0].size()));
$info($sformatf("RB allocation: %s",;
$info($sformatf("PhyRB[0]: %0p", txn.PhyRB[0]));
$info($sformatf("PhyRB[1]: %0p", txn.PhyRB[1]));
The randomization reports to be successful, yet the values of 'PhyRB' elements do not meet the constraint. Although 'ResBlks' value is 50, yet some elements have values greater than 50:
# ** Info: PhyRB[0]: 3 4 8 9 12 17 19 21 22 25 29 36 38 45 46 47 48 61
68 71 76 81 86 91 97 99 101 104 115 124 126
# ** Info: PhyRB[1]: 3 4 8 9 12 17 19 21 22 25 29 36 38 45 46 47 48 61
68 71 76 81 86 91 97 99 101 104 115 124 126
I tried to run QuestaSim with the -solvedebug
option, so it reports the following:
# Start class::randomize#1 @ 0ns:
# -> type=Txn, randstate=MSd1ef12ef321778f006bc6d297504e6e2
# Begin RandSet 1
# Random Variables:
# bit signed [31:0] PhyRB[1].size
# bit signed [31:0] PhyRB[0].size
# Constraints:
# ArrSize { (PhyRB[0].size > 0); }
# ArrSize { (PhyRB[0].size <= ResBlks); }
# ArrSize { (PhyRB[1].size == PhyRB[0].size); }
# (PhyRB[1].size >= 0);
# (PhyRB[0].size >= 0);
# * Solving RandSet 1 with ACT engine
# Solved: PhyRB[0].size = 29
# Solved: PhyRB[1].size = 29
# End RandSet 1
# Begin RandSet 2
# Random Variables:
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][0]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][1]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][2]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][3]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][4]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][5]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][6]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][7]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][8]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][9]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][10]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][11]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][12]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][13]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][14]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][15]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][16]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][17]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][18]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][19]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][20]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][21]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][22]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][23]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][24]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][25]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][26]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][28]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][27]
# Constraints:
# vals { unique {PhyRB[0]}; }
# vals { (PhyRB[0][0] < ResBlks); }
# vals { (PhyRB[0][1] < ResBlks); }
# vals { (PhyRB[0][2] < ResBlks); }
# vals { (PhyRB[0][3] < ResBlks); }
# vals { (PhyRB[0][4] < ResBlks); }
# vals { (PhyRB[0][5] < ResBlks); }
# vals { (PhyRB[0][6] < ResBlks); }
# * Solving RandSet 2 with ACT engine
# Solved: PhyRB[0][11] = 7'h21
# Solved: PhyRB[0][15] = 7'h64
# Solved: PhyRB[0][1] = 7'h1d
# Solved: PhyRB[0][28] = 7'h26
# Solved: PhyRB[0][22] = 7'h48
# Solved: PhyRB[0][26] = 7'h66
# Solved: PhyRB[0][17] = 7'h3a
# Solved: PhyRB[0][9] = 7'h41
# Solved: PhyRB[0][14] = 7'h54
# Solved: PhyRB[0][27] = 7'h28
# Solved: PhyRB[0][16] = 7'h35
# Solved: PhyRB[0][5] = 7'h2b
# Solved: PhyRB[0][18] = 7'h27
# Solved: PhyRB[0][24] = 7'h42
# Solved: PhyRB[0][20] = 7'h00
# Solved: PhyRB[0][0] = 7'h24
# Solved: PhyRB[0][4] = 7'h2c
# Solved: PhyRB[0][19] = 7'h56
# Solved: PhyRB[0][8] = 7'h70
# Solved: PhyRB[0][6] = 7'h12
# Solved: PhyRB[0][21] = 7'h0c
# Solved: PhyRB[0][23] = 7'h7c
# Solved: PhyRB[0][25] = 7'h71
# Solved: PhyRB[0][10] = 7'h6e
# Solved: PhyRB[0][7] = 7'h3e
# Solved: PhyRB[0][3] = 7'h1f
# Solved: PhyRB[0][12] = 7'h11
# Solved: PhyRB[0][13] = 7'h03
# Solved: PhyRB[0][2] = 7'h09
# End RandSet 2
# Begin RandSet 3
# Random Variables:
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][6]
# reg [0:0] PhyRBAllocType
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][5]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][4]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][3]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][2]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][1]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][0]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][7]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][8]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][9]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][10]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][11]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][12]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][13]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][14]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][15]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][16]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][17]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][18]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][19]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][20]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][21]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][22]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][23]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][24]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][25]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][26]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][28]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][27]
# Constraints:
# vals { unique {PhyRB[1]}; }
# (PhyRBAllocType inside { [Type2:Sorted] });
# vals { if ((~PhyRBAllocType)) {(PhyRB[1][6] < ResBlks);} }
# vals { if ((~PhyRBAllocType)) {(PhyRB[1][5] < ResBlks);} }
# vals { if ((~PhyRBAllocType)) {(PhyRB[1][4] < ResBlks);} }
# vals { if ((~PhyRBAllocType)) {(PhyRB[1][3] < ResBlks);} }
# vals { if ((~PhyRBAllocType)) {(PhyRB[1][2] < ResBlks);} }
# vals { if ((~PhyRBAllocType)) {(PhyRB[1][1] < ResBlks);} }
# vals { if ((~PhyRBAllocType)) {(PhyRB[1][0] < ResBlks);} }
# * Solving RandSet 3 with ACT engine
# Solved: PhyRBAllocType = Sorted
# Solved: PhyRB[1][12] = 7'h66
# Solved: PhyRB[1][15] = 7'h2b
# Solved: PhyRB[1][19] = 7'h19
# Solved: PhyRB[1][3] = 7'h11
# Solved: PhyRB[1][13] = 7'h75
# Solved: PhyRB[1][27] = 7'h4f
# Solved: PhyRB[1][0] = 7'h3e
# Solved: PhyRB[1][21] = 7'h48
# Solved: PhyRB[1][9] = 7'h46
# Solved: PhyRB[1][10] = 7'h2c
# Solved: PhyRB[1][11] = 7'h29
# Solved: PhyRB[1][24] = 7'h45
# Solved: PhyRB[1][7] = 7'h72
# Solved: PhyRB[1][8] = 7'h4e
# Solved: PhyRB[1][26] = 7'h60
# Solved: PhyRB[1][2] = 7'h43
# Solved: PhyRB[1][14] = 7'h09
# Solved: PhyRB[1][20] = 7'h0d
# Solved: PhyRB[1][4] = 7'h5d
# Solved: PhyRB[1][28] = 7'h69
# Solved: PhyRB[1][5] = 7'h6a
# Solved: PhyRB[1][6] = 7'h39
# Solved: PhyRB[1][1] = 7'h28
# Solved: PhyRB[1][18] = 7'h12
# Solved: PhyRB[1][17] = 7'h79
# Solved: PhyRB[1][25] = 7'h15
# Solved: PhyRB[1][23] = 7'h7c
# Solved: PhyRB[1][22] = 7'h44
# Solved: PhyRB[1][16] = 7'h6e
# End RandSet 3
# v-- executing $rand.post_randomize() [type=Txn:]
# --^ $rand.post_randomize() done
# End class::randomize#1 @ 0ns:
# -> result=1
# Start class::randomize#2 @ 0ns:
# -> type=Txn, randstate=MS321778f0420665ba7797d1d1e04a9cc9
# Executing function:
# function()
# Executing function:
# function()
# Executing function:
# function()
# Executing function:
# function()
# Begin RandSet 4
# Random Variables:
# reg [0:0] PhyRBAllocType
# Constraints:
# (PhyRBAllocType inside { [Type2:Sorted] });
# * Solving RandSet 4 with Limit engine
# Solved: PhyRBAllocType = Sorted
# End RandSet 4
# v-- executing $rand.post_randomize() [type=Txn:]
# --^ $rand.post_randomize() done
# End class::randomize#2 @ 0ns:
# -> result=1
# Start class::randomize#3 @ 0ns:
# -> type=Txn, randstate=MS420665ba7797d1d19a9755ad98e48700
# Begin RandSet 5
# Random Variables:
# bit signed [31:0] PhyRB[1].size
# bit signed [31:0] PhyRB[0].size
# Constraints:
# ArrSize { (PhyRB[0].size > 0); }
# ArrSize { (PhyRB[0].size <= ResBlks); }
# ArrSize { (PhyRB[1].size == PhyRB[0].size); }
# (PhyRB[1].size >= 0);
# (PhyRB[0].size >= 0);
# * Solving RandSet 5 with ACT engine
# Solved: PhyRB[0].size = 31
# Solved: PhyRB[1].size = 31
# End RandSet 5
# Begin RandSet 6
# Random Variables:
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][0]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][1]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][2]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][3]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][4]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][5]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][6]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][7]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][8]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][9]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][10]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][11]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][12]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][13]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][14]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][15]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][16]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][17]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][18]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][19]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][20]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][21]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][22]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][23]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][24]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][25]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][26]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][27]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][28]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][30]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[0][29]
# Constraints:
# vals { unique {PhyRB[0]}; }
# vals { (PhyRB[0][0] < ResBlks); }
# vals { (PhyRB[0][1] < ResBlks); }
# vals { (PhyRB[0][2] < ResBlks); }
# vals { (PhyRB[0][3] < ResBlks); }
# vals { (PhyRB[0][4] < ResBlks); }
# vals { (PhyRB[0][5] < ResBlks); }
# vals { (PhyRB[0][6] < ResBlks); }
# * Solving RandSet 6 with ACT engine
# Solved: PhyRB[0][20] = 7'h47
# Solved: PhyRB[0][18] = 7'h24
# Solved: PhyRB[0][12] = 7'h44
# Solved: PhyRB[0][1] = 7'h2e
# Solved: PhyRB[0][17] = 7'h65
# Solved: PhyRB[0][3] = 7'h16
# Solved: PhyRB[0][27] = 7'h2f
# Solved: PhyRB[0][14] = 7'h1d
# Solved: PhyRB[0][15] = 7'h4c
# Solved: PhyRB[0][30] = 7'h08
# Solved: PhyRB[0][22] = 7'h15
# Solved: PhyRB[0][9] = 7'h04
# Solved: PhyRB[0][21] = 7'h61
# Solved: PhyRB[0][23] = 7'h09
# Solved: PhyRB[0][26] = 7'h56
# Solved: PhyRB[0][25] = 7'h5b
# Solved: PhyRB[0][28] = 7'h7e
# Solved: PhyRB[0][2] = 7'h19
# Solved: PhyRB[0][7] = 7'h63
# Solved: PhyRB[0][13] = 7'h73
# Solved: PhyRB[0][16] = 7'h13
# Solved: PhyRB[0][6] = 7'h2d
# Solved: PhyRB[0][8] = 7'h3d
# Solved: PhyRB[0][24] = 7'h7c
# Solved: PhyRB[0][11] = 7'h51
# Solved: PhyRB[0][4] = 7'h03
# Solved: PhyRB[0][29] = 7'h26
# Solved: PhyRB[0][10] = 7'h30
# Solved: PhyRB[0][0] = 7'h0c
# Solved: PhyRB[0][19] = 7'h68
# Solved: PhyRB[0][5] = 7'h11
# End RandSet 6
# Begin RandSet 7
# Random Variables:
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][0]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][1]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][2]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][3]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][4]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][5]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][6]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][7]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][8]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][9]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][10]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][11]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][12]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][13]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][14]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][15]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][16]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][17]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][18]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][19]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][20]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][21]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][22]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][23]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][24]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][25]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][26]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][27]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][28]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][30]
# bit [6:0] PhyRB[1][29]
# Constraints:
# vals { unique {PhyRB[1]}; }
# * Solving RandSet 7 with ACT engine
# Solved: PhyRB[1][9] = 7'h12
# Solved: PhyRB[1][28] = 7'h59
# Solved: PhyRB[1][14] = 7'h2d
# Solved: PhyRB[1][3] = 7'h27
# Solved: PhyRB[1][11] = 7'h2b
# Solved: PhyRB[1][29] = 7'h17
# Solved: PhyRB[1][18] = 7'h45
# Solved: PhyRB[1][26] = 7'h0a
# Solved: PhyRB[1][27] = 7'h76
# Solved: PhyRB[1][20] = 7'h5c
# Solved: PhyRB[1][10] = 7'h28
# Solved: PhyRB[1][12] = 7'h4f
# Solved: PhyRB[1][6] = 7'h13
# Solved: PhyRB[1][8] = 7'h66
# Solved: PhyRB[1][4] = 7'h18
# Solved: PhyRB[1][7] = 7'h1e
# Solved: PhyRB[1][30] = 7'h14
# Solved: PhyRB[1][23] = 7'h44
# Solved: PhyRB[1][0] = 7'h47
# Solved: PhyRB[1][13] = 7'h50
# Solved: PhyRB[1][22] = 7'h3c
# Solved: PhyRB[1][25] = 7'h16
# Solved: PhyRB[1][24] = 7'h5a
# Solved: PhyRB[1][21] = 7'h24
# Solved: PhyRB[1][16] = 7'h33
# Solved: PhyRB[1][5] = 7'h46
# Solved: PhyRB[1][19] = 7'h56
# Solved: PhyRB[1][2] = 7'h4c
# Solved: PhyRB[1][17] = 7'h0c
# Solved: PhyRB[1][15] = 7'h5d
# Solved: PhyRB[1][1] = 7'h08
# End RandSet 7
# Unconstrained Random Variables:
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h75
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h39
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h30
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h6c
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h74
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h09
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h1a
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h3d
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h3c
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h71
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h43
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h01
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h34
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h76
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h68
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h6a
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h74
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h5c
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h17
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h12
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h03
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h05
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h2b
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h44
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h78
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h1f
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h15
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h2d
# Solved: PhyRB[0][?] = 7'h22
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h4c
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h33
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h37
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h11
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h2e
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h72
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h06
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h22
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h53
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h5b
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h66
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h33
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h77
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h26
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h00
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h0f
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h7e
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h65
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h57
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h26
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h3b
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h36
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h74
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h57
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h67
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h35
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h7a
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h31
# Solved: PhyRB[1][?] = 7'h00
# v-- executing $rand.post_randomize() [type=Txn:]
# --^ $rand.post_randomize() done
# End class::randomize#3 @ 0ns:
# -> result=1
I am running the QuestaSim 10.4c simulation tool.