
I'm trying to use the display function in Verilog to print the 2's complement of a binary number.

E.g. I have the following testbench output being printed:

Test 1 data: input A is 0b'0011010100100100 or 0h'3524 or 13604 ;

Test 2 data: input A is 0b'1101011000001001 or 0h'd609 or 54793 ;

Test 3 data: input A is 0b'0111101100001101 or 0h'7b0d or 31501 ;

And I use the following code to generate that:

$display ("Test %0d data: input A is 0b'%16b or 0h'%4h or %d ;", counter,X,X,X);

But I would like the decimal %d of the variable to be printed in 2's complement.

So for the middle example 0xd609, the decimal should be -10743 not 54793.

How to do it?


2 Answers 2


It would have really helped to show a complete example. X needs to be declared as signed, or you can cast it to a signed type value.

module top;
  bit signed [15:0] X;
  bit        [15:0] Y;
  initial begin 
    X = 'hd609;
    Y = 'hd609;
    $display ("Test %0d data: input A is 0b'%16b or 0h'%4h or %d ;", 1,X,X,X);
    $display ("Test %0d data: input A is 0b'%16b or 0h'%4h or %d ;", 2,Y,Y,Y);
    $display ("Test %0d data: input A is 0b'%16b or 0h'%4h or %d ;", 3,Y,Y,$signed(Y));


Test 1 data: input A is 0b'0011010100100100 or 0h'3524 or 54793 ;

Test 2 data: input A is 0b'1101011000001001 or 0h'd609 or -10743 ;

Test 3 data: input A is 0b'0111101100001101 or 0h'7b0d or -10743 ;
  • \$\begingroup\$ FWIW, I get quite different results simulating the above (after changing bit to reg for Verilog vs. System Verilog) : Simulator is doing circuit initialization process. Test 1 data: input A is 0b' 1101011000001001 or 0h'd609 or -10743 ; Test 2 data: input A is 0b' 1101011000001001 or 0h'd609 or 54793 ; Test 3 data: input A is 0b' 1101011000001001 or 0h'd609 or -10743 ; \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 5, 2023 at 6:38

$display will behave as you wish if the variable is declared as signed.


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