I am running a Modelsim script and the transcript window gets stuck. I have tried the following to go to the next line in the transcript window without any success.
- Simulate > End simulation
- Simulate > Break
Any other ways to come out of this/ find out the reason for it?
The TCL script used is as follows.
variable dir .
# Stop simulation if already running one
quit -Sim
# Open project
project open $dir/sim_mesi_isc
vlib work
#vmap work work
# Compile the required Verilog files (For the initial run)
vlog -work work -vopt -nocovercells $dir/mesi_isc_basic_fifo.v
vlog -work work -vopt -nocovercells $dir/mesi_isc_basic_fifo_buggy.v
vlog -work work -vopt -nocovercells $dir/mesi_isc_breq_fifos.v
vlog -work work -vopt -nocovercells $dir/mesi_isc_broad.v
vlog -work work -vopt -nocovercells $dir/mesi_isc_tb_cpu.v
vlog -work work -vopt -nocovercells $dir/mesi_isc.v
vlog -work work -vopt -nocovercells $dir/mesi_isc_breq_fifos_cntl.v
vlog -work work -vopt -nocovercells $dir/mesi_isc_broad_cntl.v
vlog -work work -vopt -nocovercells $dir/mesi_isc_define.v
vlog -work work -vopt -nocovercells $dir/mesi_isc_tb_define.v
#vlog -work work -vopt -nocovercells $dir/mesi_isc_tb_custom.v
vlog -work work -vopt -nocovercells $dir/mesi_isc_tb.v
# Generate VCD files after simulation
vsim -novopt work.mesi_isc_tb
# Load the waveform file in the Wave window of Modelsim.
do wave.do
# Run and break just before the instructions generated from the test vectors are executed
run -all
# Add the signals to the list window
add list \
mesi_isc_tb/mesi_isc/clk \
mesi_isc_tb/mesi_isc/rst \
mesi_isc_tb/mesi_isc/mesi_isc_breq_fifos/fifo_0/rd_i \
mesi_isc_tb/mesi_isc/mesi_isc_breq_fifos/fifo_0/ptr_rd \
mesi_isc_tb/mesi_isc/mesi_isc_breq_fifos/fifo_0/ptr_wr \
mesi_isc_tb/mesi_isc/mesi_isc_breq_fifos/fifo_0/fifo_depth \
mesi_isc_tb/mesi_isc/mesi_isc_breq_fifos/fifo_0/status_full \
mesi_isc_tb/mesi_isc/mesi_isc_breq_fifos/fifo_0/wr_i \
mesi_isc_tb/mesi_isc/mesi_isc_broad/broad_fifo/data_o \
mesi_isc_tb/mesi_isc/cbus_cmd0_o \
# Write the list to a file
write list -window .main_pane.list.interior.cs.body list_mesi_isc.lst
Update (2-Sep-2019) I have been using a second screen connected through HDMI cable (in second screen only mode). The above mentioned issue arises when I switch back to my laptop screen (only) and disabling the second screen. When I switch back to the second screen option, the Modelsim window which was stuck resumes the execution and finishes as expected. Waiting for somebody to throw some light on this behavior.
kill -9
) if it was completely stuck. \$\endgroup\$