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Instrumentation Amplifier and differential ADC Arduino Mega

The Arduino's inputs are clamped to the supply rails with ESD protection diodes, so if you apply a potential outside the supply range, you will cause lots of current to flow, potentially damaging the ...
Simon Fitch's user avatar
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Instrumentation Amplifier and differential ADC Arduino Mega

Yes, it is wrong. Any inputs must be kept between the supply rails of the Arduino. Here is an approach for a DC-coupled amplifier. With 0V input to the INA128 the output will be approximately 2.5V so ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
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Sensing current down to tens of nA with INA828 or other OPA

The other answers work if you don't mind the high voltage drop in the 1 Mohm resistor. But if your device sometimes draws higher current before going to sleep mode, you can use a transimpedance ...
jpa's user avatar
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4 votes

Sensing current down to tens of nA with INA828 or other OPA

there is a large measurement error caused by the not high enough DC input resistance of the DMM You're saying that the 10MΩ input resistance of a bench DMM is not high enough? That's 10V/μA ...
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica's user avatar
3 votes

Sensing current down to tens of nA with INA828 or other OPA

There's no need for an instrumentation amplifier in this configuration. Just use an ordinary op-amp with +/-5V supplies, which opens up the selection considerably and removes some concerns. simulate ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
3 votes

INA828 for sensing current down to tens of nA

From the IN828 datasheet we have this (in your case G=1 so the black diamond): You need to stay within the 6-sided diamond figure. If the highest possible output voltage is +/-100mV then you need to ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
2 votes

INA828 for sensing current down to tens of nA

The ground of the circuit containing DUT (GND1), battery and test resistor will not be common with the ground of the INA828 (GND2) and subsequent ADC. The whole scheme depends on knowing how the two ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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