I'm trying to delay an input data coming from ADC component in DDR to my FPGA, afterwards output it in the clock rising edge. The ADC Im using: ADS5463:
Im using Lattice ECP3 FPGA, based on the fpga datasheet this fpga have delay module built in called DELAYB:
The reason why Im trying to delay the inputs is to maximize the setup time and hold time as the ADS5463 recommends to do.
My code for trying to use this delay module and output the delayed data in rising edge clock:
module top(
input rstn,
input dry, //DRY=fs/2 -> fs=300Mhz -> DRY=150MHz
input [11:0] data_input,
output clk2,
output [11:0] data_output
wire clk2;
wire rst;
wire [11:0] data_input_delay;
reg [11:0] posedge_data;
reg [11:0] negedge_data;
reg [23:0] data_output;
assign rst = ~rstn;
//divide clk. clk2=dry_i/2=75MHz.
CLKDIVB div2 (
.CLKI (dry),
.RST (rst),
.CDIV1 (),
.CDIV2 (clk2),
.CDIV4 (),
.CDIV8 ()
//delay data => 35ps steps.
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < 12; i = i + 1) begin
DELAYB delay (
always @(posedge dry, posedge rst)
if (rst) begin
posedge_data <= 12'b100000000000;
end else begin
posedge_data <= data_input_delay;
always @(negedge dry, posedge rst)
if (rst) begin
negedge_data <= 12'b100000000000;
end else begin
negedge_data <= data_input_delay;
always @(posedge clk2, posedge rst)
if (rst) begin
data_output <= 24'b100000000000100000000000;
end else begin
data_output <= {posedge_data, negedge_data};
When Im trying to synthesize this code, I'm getting this error message from Diamond Lattice:
ERROR - Dynamic delay cell 'genblk1[0].delay' cannot drive component 'negedge_data[0]'.
ERROR - Dynamic delay cell 'genblk1[11].delay' cannot drive component 'negedge_data[11]'.
ERROR - Dynamic delay cell 'genblk1[10].delay' cannot drive component 'negedge_data[10]'.
ERROR - Dynamic delay cell 'genblk1[9].delay' cannot drive component 'negedge_data[9]'.
ERROR - Dynamic delay cell 'genblk1[8].delay' cannot drive component 'negedge_data[8]'.
ERROR - Dynamic delay cell 'genblk1[7].delay' cannot drive component 'negedge_data[7]'.
ERROR - Dynamic delay cell 'genblk1[6].delay' cannot drive component 'negedge_data[6]'.
ERROR - Dynamic delay cell 'genblk1[5].delay' cannot drive component 'negedge_data[5]'.
ERROR - Dynamic delay cell 'genblk1[4].delay' cannot drive component 'negedge_data[4]'.
ERROR - Dynamic delay cell 'genblk1[3].delay' cannot drive component 'negedge_data[3]'.
ERROR - Dynamic delay cell 'genblk12.delay' cannot drive component 'negedge_data2'.
ERROR - Dynamic delay cell 'genblk11.delay' cannot drive component 'negedge_data1'.
INFO - Errors found in user's design. Output files not written. Check map report for more details.
Someone please can help me see my thats happening? I have ref design which using this components and there its working fine, whats wrong?
Edit After Rakend comment:
okay after adding IFS1P3IX instances to the output registers of DELAYB module like the ref advised. It did fix the errors mentioned above, but now my design putting the data_input's in High-Z mode, its still not working, the design is pass the synthesises but giving me this warning which makes the design now working.
the new code:
module top (rstn,dry,data_input,clk2,led_clk,led_rst,data_output);
input rstn;
input dry; //DRY=fs/2 -> fs=300Mhz -> DRY=150MHz
input [11:0] data_input;
output wire clk2;
output led_clk;
output reg led_rst;
output reg [23:0] data_output;
wire rst;
wire [11:0] data_input_temp;
wire [11:0] data_input_delay;
reg [25:0] adc_clk_count = 26'b0;
assign rst = ~rstn;
//divide clk. clk2=dry_i/2=75MHz.
CLKDIVB div2 (
.CLKI (dry),
.RST (rst),
.CDIV1 (),
.CDIV2 (clk2),
.CDIV4 (),
.CDIV8 ()
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < 12; i = i + 1) begin
DELAYB delay (
genvar j;
for (j = 0; j < 12; j = j + 1) begin
IFS1P3IX data_reg (
the critical warning Diamond drop on me:
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\----\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":51:12:51:19|Removing instance genblk2[11].data_reg because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":51:12:51:19|Removing instance genblk2[10].data_reg because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\--------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":51:12:51:19|Removing instance genblk2[9].data_reg because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\----------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":51:12:51:19|Removing instance genblk2[8].data_reg because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\--------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":51:12:51:19|Removing instance genblk2[7].data_reg because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\--------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":51:12:51:19|Removing instance genblk2[6].data_reg because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\--------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":51:12:51:19|Removing instance genblk2[5].data_reg because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\--------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":51:12:51:19|Removing instance genblk2[4].data_reg because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":51:12:51:19|Removing instance genblk2[3].data_reg because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\--------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":51:12:51:19|Removing instance genblk2[2].data_reg because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\---------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":51:12:51:19|Removing instance genblk2[1].data_reg because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\---------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":51:12:51:19|Removing instance genblk2[0].data_reg because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\-------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":37:10:37:14|Removing instance genblk1[11].delay because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\--------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":37:10:37:14|Removing instance genblk1[10].delay because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\----------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":37:10:37:14|Removing instance genblk1[9].delay because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\--------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":37:10:37:14|Removing instance genblk1[8].delay because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\---------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":37:10:37:14|Removing instance genblk1[7].delay because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\--------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":37:10:37:14|Removing instance genblk1[6].delay because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\---------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":37:10:37:14|Removing instance genblk1[5].delay because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\---------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":37:10:37:14|Removing instance genblk1[4].delay because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\----------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":37:10:37:14|Removing instance genblk1[3].delay because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\--------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":37:10:37:14|Removing instance genblk1[2].delay because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\----------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":37:10:37:14|Removing instance genblk1[1].delay because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019991 WARNING - CL168 :"C:\-----------\ADC_Interface\src\top.v":37:10:37:14|Removing instance genblk1[0].delay because it does not drive other instances. To preserve this instance, use the syn_noprune synthesis directive.
2019993 WARNING - MT420 |Found inferred clock top|dry with period 5.00ns. Please declare a user-defined clock on port dry.
1166052 WARNING - logical net 'CDIV1' has no load.
1166052 WARNING - logical net 'CDIV4' has no load.
1166052 WARNING - logical net 'CDIV8' has no load.
1166052 WARNING - logical net 'data_input_c[0]' has no load.
1166052 WARNING - logical net 'data_input_c[1]' has no load.
1166052 WARNING - logical net 'data_input_c[2]' has no load.
1166052 WARNING - logical net 'data_input_c[3]' has no load.
1166052 WARNING - logical net 'data_input_c[4]' has no load.
1166052 WARNING - logical net 'data_input_c[5]' has no load.
1166052 WARNING - logical net 'data_input_c[6]' has no load.
1166052 WARNING - logical net 'data_input_c[7]' has no load.
1166052 WARNING - logical net 'data_input_c[8]' has no load.
1166052 WARNING - logical net 'data_input_c[9]' has no load.
1166052 WARNING - logical net 'data_input_c[10]' has no load.
1166052 WARNING - logical net 'data_input_c[11]' has no load.
1163101 WARNING - DRC complete with 15 warnings.
1100523 WARNING - C:/--------/ADC_Interface
51001030 WARNING - Using local reset signal 'rstn_c' to infer global GSR net.
Any Idea why it happening?