I have some old Altera MAX EPM7128SLC84-15N CPLDs kicking around that I want to use to interface with 5v TTL logic.
If you look at the pinout, some of the pins have more than one function (eg. Pin 2 can be an input, output enable or global clock). How do you select which one it is and which one is it by default?
In Quartus II (I'm using version 13.0.1 Web Edition 32-bit), if I go to assignments -> device -> device and pin options everything is greyed out. Everything is greyed out in configuration as well. The only configuration scheme I get is "n/a in MAX7000S".
By the way, I'm aware that this is an obsolete part and there are modern 3.3V CMOS CPLDs that are compatible with 5V TTL logic. I have these parts in hand and would like to use them if at all possible.