
This question is related to article on rounding found here.

The "Convergent rounding: Round half to even" code is written as follows:

assign  w_convergent = i_data[(IWID-1):0]
            + { {(OWID){1'b0}},

always @(posedge i_clk)
    o_convergent <= w_convergent[(IWID-1):(IWID-OWID)];

I am not able to understand what exactly the following lines are doing and why they are required:

        + { {(OWID){1'b0}},


There are three things that are confusing me about this,

(1) Why is there no IF statement to accomodate the case where the input is exactly half-way e.g 1.5, 2.5 e.t.c.

(2) Why do we need the third part {(IWID-OWID-1){!i_data[(IWID-OWID)]}}, aren't these bits always supposed to be 0?

(3) Since SystemVerilog can easily add two logic vectors together when they have different size, why do we need the {(OWID){1'b0}}?


1 Answer 1


Another way to write that is:

        {(OWID){1'b0}}      ,
        i_data[(IWID-OWID)] ,

This means we are concatenating 3 expressions (separated by the 2 commas).

Assume the following constants:

parameter IWID = 16;
parameter OWID =  5;

Now let's plug in the values:

        {(5){1'b0}}    ,
        i_data[(16-5)] ,

In the term {(5){1'b0}}, the 2 sets of braces are known as the replicated concatenation operator. This replicates the one bit (1'b0) 5 times, yeilding the 5-bit constant 5'b0_0000. Simplifying, we have:

        5'b0_0000  ,
        i_data[11] ,

Assume i_data[11] = 1'b1:


This leaves the 16-bit value:

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks, I have update the questions with three things that are specifically confusing for me. \$\endgroup\$
    – quantum231
    Commented Apr 4 at 23:51
  • \$\begingroup\$ (1) Why is there no IF statement to accomodate the case where the input is exactly half-way e.g 1.5, 2.5 e.t.c. (2) Why do we need the third part {(IWID-OWID-1){!i_data[(IWID-OWID)]}}, aren't these bits always supposed to be 0? (3) Since SystemVerilog can easily add two logic vectors together when they have different size, why do we need the {(OWID){1'b0}}? \$\endgroup\$
    – quantum231
    Commented Apr 6 at 12:30
  • \$\begingroup\$ @quantum231: The original question was focused. Instead of adding new questions into the question, I recommend accepting this answer, then posting a new question. For the new question, I recommend running simulations, then asking a specific qustion if there is something about the simulation you do not understand. \$\endgroup\$
    – toolic
    Commented Apr 7 at 10:24
  • \$\begingroup\$ Are you able to figure out how this actually performs the rounding operation? I thought that we need to look at the bit just after decimal point (or the one just after OWID) but this code does not do that. \$\endgroup\$
    – quantum231
    Commented Apr 9 at 4:45

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