I am wondering why synthesizing this code doesn't work, but simulating does. ONLY WHEN TRYING TO SYNTHESIZE I get the following error:
Signal sig_enable cannot be synthesized, bad synchronous description. The description style you are using to describe a synchronous element (register, memory, etc.) is not supported in the current software release.
Here is my code:
architecture Behavioral of myModule is
signal sig_outSerial: std_logic := '1';
signal tri_output: std_logic := '1';
signal sig_enable: std_logic := '0';
signal sig_done: std_logic := '1';
component triBuffer
input: in std_logic;
control: in std_logic;
output: out std_logic
end component;
U1: triBuffer port map(input => CLK_IN, control => sig_enable, output => tri_output);
process(tri_output, SEND)
variable i: integer := 0;
if falling_edge(tri_output) and sig_enable = '1' then
if i = 8 then
i := 0;
sig_enable <= '0';
sig_outSerial <= '1';
sig_done <= '1';
sig_outSerial <= inByte(i);
i := i + 1;
sig_done <= '0';
end if;
end if;
if rising_edge(SEND) then
sig_enable <= '1';
end if;
end process;
outSerial <= sig_outSerial;
done <= sig_done;
CLK_OUT <= tri_output;
end Behavioral;