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44 votes

What kind of tape is used to hold together electronics during shipping?

Probably clean-release/clean-removal strapping tape. Polypropylene with a rubber adhesive. Eg. 3M 8896
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
42 votes

Why use kapton tape?

If you go through all the trouble to test and qualify something, like tape: check it doesn't unstick after a few years leaving glue everywhere, doesn't shrink, loosen, harden, or crack even if the ...
bobflux's user avatar
  • 81.7k
38 votes

How to secure cables to a PCB

Zip ties are a good way to provide strain relief for cables attached to a PCB. You lay out a path for the cable on the PCB, and put adequately large holes on either side of this path for the zip tie. ...
Dave Tweed's user avatar
  • 178k
32 votes

Why use kapton tape?

On top of being a good adhesive, it's chemically inert, thermally stable, and does not off-gas when it gets hot.
KD9PDP's user avatar
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22 votes

Is 0603 vs 0402 assembly mass production cost optimization still relevant?

Many assembly houses these days do 0402 with the same machines they do anything else, possibly using a different needle, though I'd suspect they'd be using the 0402 capable needle for 0603 and 0805 as ...
Asmyldof's user avatar
  • 18.5k
19 votes

How to secure cables to a PCB

Cable ties are great. Just put two through holes in the PCB away from the connector. There are also a variety of flat tie holders that can also facilitate zip ties. These can be pushed in or fastened ...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
  • 88.8k
16 votes

Why did Axial Capacitors Fall Out of Use in the Industry?

Single-sided PCBs frequently required the use of wire links to bridge over other tracks on the board. With a suitable circuit layout, the use of axial capacitors (rather than radial) could be used to ...
Kaz's user avatar
  • 468
16 votes

Is there any difference between Silicone and RTV

For electronics work you want "platinum cure", "addition-cure" or electronic grade silicone. "RTV" means "room temperature vulcanizing" and is a generic term ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
15 votes

Is 0603 vs 0402 assembly mass production cost optimization still relevant?

In 2017, 0402 is completely standard and no contract manufacturer will blink an eye, whether in prototype or mass production quantities. You'll start to notice minor effects on yield and availability ...
pericynthion's user avatar
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12 votes

Colliding fasteners in electronics retrofit project

From the comments: The countersunk screw from beneath is a no-go, unfortunately. There's an assembly paradox here as well, the adaptor has to be installed before the new PCIe device can be attached ...
Transistor's user avatar
  • 180k
12 votes

How to secure cables to a PCB

One very simple technique used on spaceflight PCBs (and thus good against vibration) for a small number of cables is to insert the wire through one hole, and solder the stripped end at a distance from ...
Mister Mystère's user avatar
11 votes

Why did Axial Capacitors Fall Out of Use in the Industry?

My recollection of that era was that the selection, size and price of axial leaded electrolytic capacitors was not competitive, so I used radial lead caps in some cases where axial leaded would have ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
10 votes

Motor that allows threaded rod to pass through

There are "hollow shaft motors" similar to these. The inside of the shaft can be threaded (or a nut can be fitted inside) to make the motor itself travel along a matching threaded rod.
Eugene Sh.'s user avatar
  • 10.1k
10 votes

Ways of improving USB-C mechanical durability

You can get shortened 'stub' type receptacles like this: The idea is that you build the main support/connection for the outer shield of the plug yourself. For example, if you have an aluminium ...
Jon's user avatar
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8 votes

Is there any difference between Silicone and RTV

Cheap silicone is acidic (like vinegar) while GE's Room Temperature Vulcanizing (RTV) is not, and is suitable for electronic anti-corrosive insulation on metals. The main features are thermal ...
D.A.S.'s user avatar
  • 148k
7 votes

How do I assemble the mechanical parts of panel mount switch? (lock ring, lock washer, nut, etc)

There are a couple of options. The "official" way is: one nut first locating ring, bent tab towards the panel, to fit in a hole in the panel panel lockwasher second nut. Edit: for a "cleaner" ...
Peter Bennett's user avatar
7 votes

How can I re-assemble this cheap scale's LCD display?

The rubber strip has many parallel conducting wires across it, and will connect a set of contacts on the PCB to a set of contacts on the LCD display. Place it properly between the PCB and the display ...
ocrdu's user avatar
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6 votes

Why did Axial Capacitors Fall Out of Use in the Industry?

Probably the most important reason is difficulties in automated assembly; Wikipedia mentions this.
VillageTech's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the usable area (for connectors) of a PCI Express card bracket?

According to the PCIe Card Electromechanical Specifications (CEM), we have the following specification for connector openings: Image Source - CEM Spec rev 1.1, Section 6, Figure 6-2, page 73 So your ...
Tom Carpenter's user avatar
5 votes

Is there any difference between Silicone and RTV

GE Silicone from hardware stores is always labeled either Silicone I or Silicone II. You'll find the type in very small print, often in an out-of-the-way location on the label. Silicone I releases ...
MTA's user avatar
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4 votes

Motor that allows threaded rod to pass through

I believe that many years ago I saw a motor spec sheet that featured a hollow, threaded shaft, and here is a modern one. The problem is that you need some way to prevent the motor housing from ...
WhatRoughBeast's user avatar
4 votes

Is 0603 vs 0402 assembly mass production cost optimization still relevant?

I got word back from my preferred full service low volume vendor with both domestic and offshore capabilities. They said on average we could save 10% in assembly costs.
lm317's user avatar
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4 votes

best adhesive for FR4 to aluminum

This should be able to be "designed" with a reasonable degree of confidence either from theory alone or with a little experimental help. The key parameters seem to be heatsink temperature, forces ...
Russell McMahon's user avatar
  • 152k
4 votes

Is there a motor design where a rotor gradually moves into a stater?

There IS such a motor design, but not for the purpose you are thinking of. In the crane industry, a company named Demag makes a conical rotor motor so that the act of energizing the motor creates ...
JRaef's user avatar
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4 votes

Colliding fasteners in electronics retrofit project

Another thing you might explore is "binder screws." They have a very thin, flat head that, secured with a little superglue, could solve your clearance problem and make disassembly easier to boot:
TomServo's user avatar
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3 votes

How to keep users from breaking push button switches

Arcade games have pretty robust switches, maybe start there. Crossing signal switches are another place to look. A general approach would be to use a separate mechanical button with tough design that ...
hacktastical's user avatar
  • 58.3k
3 votes

Is there a motor design where a rotor gradually moves into a stater?

What you are doing with such a construction is weakening the field mechanically. It only makes sense at all for a motor with permanent magnets for field generation. If your field is created by an ...
Janka's user avatar
  • 14.4k
3 votes

Indicator LED to Case - mechanical design

I would consider A acceptable- B and C are prone to failure by lifting pads if something presses on the LED. Only though if the LED is at a safe voltage relative to ground, because the LED insulation ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar

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