First question
Whether we declare the array as scalar or vector, we can access each element bit by bit. For example, we can declare two arrays below.
reg scalar_array[0:9];
reg [0:9] vector_array;
always @*
scalar_array[0] = 1'b1;
vector_array[0] = 1'b1;
I would like to know if the difference exists between two declarations.
Second question
Also, when I declare the two-dimensional array like below, I could access the entire row using the indexing operator[] for the variable declared using a below syntax.
reg[X:X] var_name [Y:Y];
However, I couldn't access the entire row when I declare the array using the below syntax.
reg var_name [X:X][Y:Y];
I would like to know how this concept can be synthesized on the hardware, and if they are both synthesizable, what is the difference between them.
reg [0:9] vector_array_2d [0:15];
reg scalar_array_2d[0:9][0:15];
always @*
vector_array_2d[0] = 'd1;
scalar_array_2d[0] = 'd1; //raise the error!!