
On Visual Studio, I run this Verilog simulation command, but I get the error message:

iverilog -O hello_tb.vvp hello_tb.v 

error C:\Program Files (x86)\iverilog\bin\iverilog.exe: unknown option -- O

module hello(A,B);

    input A;
    output B;
    assign B = A;


`timescale 1ns / 1ns

`include "hello.v"

module hello_tb;

    reg A;
    wire B;

    hello uut(A,B);

    initial begin




        $display("test finished");        
  • \$\begingroup\$ @toolic there is no question ... you are making an assumption about what the OP is thinking \$\endgroup\$
    – jsotola
    Commented Mar 31 at 1:10
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @jsotola - Hi, Sometimes the implied question seems obvious, although you're right that things would be improved if an explicit question was being asked by the OP. You or anyone else with > 50 points could comment to the OP to ask them to clarify. As no-one else has done that, I'll do it :) In future, please don't be shy to request missing information from an OP in a polite comment asking for clarification, rather than just saying what someone else is doing is wrong. That can come across as snarky. TY \$\endgroup\$
    – SamGibson
    Commented Mar 31 at 14:40
  • \$\begingroup\$ Ahmed Sweillam - Hi, Your implied question seems obvious, perhaps something like "Why am I getting this error message?". However Stack Exchange is a Q&A site and it works best when the question is stated clearly, along with the reasons why you think that error message is unexpected & what you have already tried, to solve it. In this case, it would help to know why you are trying to use "-O". Did you see it in a book (name it & add an image of the page) or a website (add the link) etc.? TY \$\endgroup\$
    – SamGibson
    Commented Mar 31 at 14:40

1 Answer 1


-O is not a supported option for the iverilog command, as the error message clearly shows.

One way to see what options are supported is to use the -h option to get help for the command:

iverilog -h
Usage: iverilog [-ESvV] [-B base] [-c cmdfile|-f cmdfile]
                [-g1995|-g2001|-g2005|-g2005-sv|-g2009|-g2012] [-g<feature>]
                [-D macro[=defn]] [-I includedir]
                [-M [mode=]depfile] [-m module]
                [-N file] [-o filename] [-p flag=value]
                [-s topmodule] [-t target] [-T min|typ|max]
                [-W class] [-y dir] [-Y suf] [-l file] source_file(s)

The option you are looking for is the -o option (lower case letter "o", not upper case "O").

Another way to find the supported options is to read the iverilog documentation.

There is another problem with your code:


That will write out the VCD waveform file, clobbering your Verilog testbench file of the same name (hello_tb.v). It is conventionalt to use a .vcd file extension for VCD files. Use:


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