I am new to VHDL, and I'm working with an off-the-shelf UART block. I'm trying to create a test bench and override the data width, but I get errors saying that my signals are undeclared:
ERROR - C:/Users/xxx/Documents/VHDL/Digikey UART/tb_uart.vhd(41,24-41,32) (VHDL-1241) clk_freq is not declared
ERROR - C:/Users/xxx/Documents/VHDL/Digikey UART/tb_uart.vhd(42,24-42,33) (VHDL-1241) baud_rate is not declared
ERROR - C:/Users/xxx/Documents/VHDL/Digikey UART/tb_uart.vhd(43,24-43,31) (VHDL-1241) os_rate is not declared
I have gone over many examples and am not sure what is wrong with my code, but I suspect it's a syntax issue.
I won't flesh out my test bench until I get a better handle on my issue. I am using Lattice Diamond 3.10.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-- entity declaration
entity tb_uart is
end tb_uart;
-- architecture declaration
architecture bhv of tb_uart is
-- instantiate uart block
component uart
generic (
clk_freq : integer := 50_000_000;
baud_rate : integer := 19_200;
os_rate : integer := 16; -- oversampling rate
d_width : integer := 18; -- bits sent/received
parity : integer := 1;
parity_eo : std_logic := '0' -- '0' for even, '1' for odd
port (
clk : in std_logic;
reset_n : in std_logic;
tx_ena : in std_logic;
tx_data : in std_logic_vector(d_width-1 downto 0);
rx : in std_logic;
rx_busy : out std_logic;
rx_error: out std_logic;
rx_data : out std_logic_vector(d_width-1 downto 0);
tx_busy : out std_logic;
tx : out std_logic
end component;
-- signals & constants
signal tx_to_rx : std_logic;
constant clk_per : time := 1_000_000_000 / clk_freq;
u1: uart
generic map (
clk_freq => clk_freq,
baud_rate => baud_rate,
os_rate => os_rate,
d_width => d_width,
parity => parity,
parity_eo => parity_eo
port map (
clk => clk,
reset_n => reset_n,
tx_ena => tx_ena,
tx_data => tx_data,
rx => rx,
rx_busy => rx_busy,
rx_error => rx_error,
rx_data => rx_data,
tx_busy => tx_busy,
tx => tx
clk <= '0';
wait for ( clk_per ns);
clk <= '1';
wait for ( clk_per ns);
end process;
end bhv;