I'm making a PCB with some high frequency striplines where impedance control is needed. After calculating, the track width according to my stack layer is 0.62 mm. I'm using blind vias to avoid any kind of stub due to excess copper.
I'm aware that vias are relevant in terms of return and insertion loss in high frequency design. After reading some literature I found some inconsistencies.
- Some places say that the via should be as small (and short) as possible to reduce inductance.
- Some others say the via diameter should be the same as the width of your track so as to have similar geometry to maintain the impedance. As I understand it, via diameter is via hole + crown. I'm not clear if just using 0.62 mm via diameter, the via hole diameter is not important and I can use 0.1 mm or 0.5 mm or any other as long as is less than the via diameter of course.
Which is the correct approach and what relevance does the diameter of the hole have to the overall diameter of the track?
I'm using Rogers substrate. The design is up to 5GHz but it is a system that sweeps from lower frequencies. Every dB in the final SNR is really important for the final application.