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ATtiny 0/1-series (SOIC-8): using SPI and EXTCLK simultaneously
There is one tricky way. Consider Attiny402, External clock 2MHz. PA1 as MOSI, PA3 as clock input (EXTCLK), PA7 as "rerouted" SPI SCK output. Trick is routing SPI SCK internaly to CCL LUT, ...
Simple I2C communication between two ATmega32U4s -- first transmission works, then it hangs
Basically, the receiver does not handle all cases it should from the I2C peripheral, the I2C peripheral jams the bus because it must signal a wait by clock stretching because the software hasn't ...
avrdude: error: program enable: target doesn't answer. 1
I had the same issue with an attiny25-20PU that had already a unknown program on. I copied the arduino command line for avrdude from arduinos upload output into a terminal, added at the end a -B and ...
ATtiny 0/1-series (SOIC-8): using SPI and EXTCLK simultaneously
For 20-pin AT 0/1 series, SCK can be remapped from PA3 to PC0 (see datasheet 5.1 Multiplexed Signals).
This however does not available for 8-pin and 14-pin chip. You will need to use 20-pin chip ...
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