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UART Connector - Any open standard like STEMMA / quiic?

No, but feel free to use any pinout and connector you want by expanding on the Raspberry Pi standard. The closest thing could be Digilent PMOD but it's technically not a connector but just a pin ...
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Simplest way to design a PCB to mass program 10 ESP32's over a single high-speed USB-C port

You cannot connect more than one chip to USB. So you cannot put 10 CP2102 pins in parallel to one USB port. You need a hub. Or rather, multiple hub ICs as likely you cannot find a 10-port USB hub IC. ...
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USB powered board using the FT230X

Yes, things powered only via USB cord (like keyboards and mice) are bus-powered. Other devices with their own power supply (like printers) are self-powered. If the 50mA provided by FTDI IC is not ...
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USB-C port as a power delivery and data transfer

Your device has 10k or 22k resistors to 5V. The role is fixed to be a DFP, which means it sources power and is a data host, and can't change role.
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