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3 votes

4 Hours Analog Timer with accuracy without Arduino

The solution has three basic components. A crystal oscillator. The lower the frequency, the better; it reduces the number of divider ICs. If you start with a 32 kHz watch crystal, then you need a ...
AnalogKid's user avatar
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4 Hours Analog Timer with accuracy without Arduino

For your desired ~100ppm accuracy you're better off with a crystal, eg. 32,768Hz tuning fork type. You could do it with three ICs- a 4060 oscillator/divide by 16,384 which would give you 2Hz, a 4017 ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
0 votes

4 Hours Analog Timer with accuracy without Arduino

You can cascade the 4060 or its relative the 4040. I have done this last century and it is cheap and reliable. Downsides are PCB real estate and lack of flexability. I have seen the 4521 used but have ...
Autistic's user avatar
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Producing quadrature signals using single MCU timer and single OC register per channel

If the signal is not high-frequency, within 1-1000 Hz, you can try to reinitialize the comparison register and the timer polarity in the interrupt callback function "on the go".
Dzmitry Pyshny's user avatar
2 votes

Issue with Generating Pulse of Desired Frequency with Multiple Modes using stm32fo30c8tx- timer- outputcapture

That sound like symptoms of timer rollover. You probably face following problem: For example ARR = 100. Timer counts and CNT = 56. Then you write new value to ARR = 30. And situation is now CNT = 56, ...
Michal Dudka's user avatar
2 votes

MSP430 ADC with internal vref not working with USI and UART

I can't test my hypothesis as I'm away from my MSP430 boards, but please investigate the following. Quoting from the code in the question: Hypothesis: After enabling ...
SamGibson's user avatar
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1 vote

Which STM32F405RGT6 pins are suitable for PWM?

Picture below shows timer1 pin configuration in STM32CubeMX for STM32F405RGT you can also use other timers for this purpose.
Nima Azad's user avatar

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