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Help with wiring 2x60AHV DC motor controller

The 2x60AHV user's guide mentions one resistor and one diode. That's R1 and D1 in this diagram: You need both of them. They are described in the section "Safety Wiring." In all system ...
JRE's user avatar
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2 votes

ESP32: Powering on/off a MicroSD card via GPIO using a MOSFET

For switching the power itself, yes. But for data, not really. When card is unpowered, the data lines are pulled to supply, possibly powering the card via protection diode. Maybe, but if your ...
Justme's user avatar
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Not able to read input registers via Modbus in ESP-IDF

The 'STR' field in the arrays i.e. the second element in the CID definition arrays need to be different. There are two CID definitions that have the same string 'Length'. Changing one of them solved ...
rdkulk's user avatar
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Custom ESP32-S3 board usb disconnect and reconnect every second

Your battery charger is pulling 1A without asking the PC if that's OK. USB ports are not allowed to pull 1A. The max current that can be negotiated is only 500mA. And you can't pull 500mA without ...
Justme's user avatar
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7 votes

ESP32 Freezing Due to Contactor Noise

I looked over your "layout" artwork with a sight toward the GND plane. The colored image below is showing just how patchwork the GND fill is with each color depicting what I can best judge ...
Michael Karas's user avatar
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LoRa with Step Up MT3608

I have marked the curent path during the active phase of the switch inside the boost converter with a gree track. To reduce the EMI radiation it is important to keep the ocupied area small. This could ...
Jens's user avatar
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4 votes

ESP32 Freezing Due to Contactor Noise

This is a common electromagnetic interference problem. The contactor current loop with inductance radiates broadband noise which easily is picked up by exposed wires connected to the ESP32. ...
D.A.S.'s user avatar
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ESP32 Freezing Due to Contactor Noise

If the conctator is passing DC, and the load can tolerate slow rise and fall times in its power, you could add a capacitor in parallel with the contacts. You can also add a capacitor in parallel with ...
Math Keeps Me Busy's user avatar
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Dynamic Pull Down with MOSFET

After much investigation and research, I discovered that I was damaging the MOSFETs with static electricity. I started to be more careful not to damage them and the problem was solved. There was ...
Gustavo Quirino's user avatar
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Simplest way to design a PCB to mass program 10 ESP32's over a single high-speed USB-C port

You cannot connect more than one chip to USB. So you cannot put 10 CP2102 pins in parallel to one USB port. You need a hub. Or rather, multiple hub ICs as likely you cannot find a 10-port USB hub IC. ...
Justme's user avatar
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Using solar cell & charge module to power esp32 but can't charge

You cannot use TP4056 to charge a battery while a load is connected. Or you can, but the TP4056 then cannot determine when battery is full because it cannot detect when battery current has dropped to ...
Justme's user avatar
  • 172k
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Using solar cell & charge module to power esp32 but can't charge

Your base problem is most probably that there is not enough power from your solar panel in the first place, but assuming your ESP draws less than the solar panel can supply, you could hack your way ...
winny's user avatar
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Using solar cell & charge module to power esp32 but can't charge

Do not use solar cell with TP4056 directly. TP4056 do not use solar cell charging algorithm(MPPT). Use some other module for example module based on CN3791.Just google MPPT module and you will find a ...
Ashish Kumar's user avatar
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Using solar cell & charge module to power esp32 but can't charge

You cannot connect the solar cell directly to the TP4056 module, as the voltage of the solar cell changes dramatically with incident light intensity. So the charging cannot work like this. Take your ...
SRomie's user avatar
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How to use a Bzx55c zener diode with PTH resistor to protect analog inputs of the ADS1115 module?

OK, let's add shock-absorbers to your ADS1115. I'm going to assume that you want protection up to 24V. Anything more than that is on you, and if you do accidentally apply 30V, you'll have to absorb ...
Simon Fitch's user avatar
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How to Safely Control two Linear Actuators Using Both a Microcontroller and an RF Receiver?

I've controlled my ceiling fan with a 433MHz transmitter module and an Arduino. That project I believe is similar to what your trying to accomplish. Check out this link
theinctek's user avatar
1 vote

MAX9814 output desired for full swing 0 - 3.3V but data sheet says only 0.003 - 2.45V

The datasheet of the MAX9814 says the maximum output level is 0.707 RMS of VCC. It also says it might be 1% of that value. (which is the inverse of the square root of 2, with a bit of rounding) For an ...
Ferrybig's user avatar
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read a RGB bit signal using the RMT module on an esp32-c3 devkit

The WS2182 protocol is really just binary PWM. So you'd decode it as PWM. On other 32 bit microcontrollers, you'd do something like using a timer unit to count the length of high/low interval, and ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
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How to Safely Control two Linear Actuators Using Both a Microcontroller and an RF Receiver?

a: instead of doubling up the relays, connect the receiver to the microcontroller and have the microcontroller repeat the received commands to the relays. b: connect the receiver and the ...
Jasen  Слава Україні's user avatar
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ESP32 Wroom Deep Sleep - High Current

I was using a board (Similar to this) to connect the ESP32-Wroom module, which was drawing the current. I was using it for the headers since the bare module doesn't have any. Fix: I soldered the ...
rmknan's user avatar
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Does a the USB line for a ESP32-S3 require ESD protection?

Required is a strong word. It will work without protection, however best practice would include it. USB will have connecting and disconnecting making it a particularly prone area to possibly damaging ...
Andy Hemphill's user avatar
3 votes

What is the purpose of the relay and transistor in this circuit?

Goodness, that schematic is a shambolic hot mess. Vcc and GND are reversed on the OLED vs. ESP32. I suppose the 7805 is supposed to reduce 9V to 5V and the ESP32 module provides the 3.3V as an output. ...
Spehro 'speff' Pefhany's user avatar
3 votes

What is the purpose of the relay and transistor in this circuit?

At the very least I think the relay is drawn backwards. It should be mirrored horizontally. The purpose of the transistor is to provide higher current for the D23 signal from the ESP32 to drive the ...
kolyur's user avatar
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Why don't I measure the signal with my oscilloscope on ESP32

I figured out what's the problem. When I keep my ESP32 board connected via USB after uploading the program, and measure with the oscilloscope, it works and I see the signal on the pin. I was using a ...
user2190492's user avatar
2 votes

Why don't I measure the signal with my oscilloscope on ESP32

Given limited information, and any number of possibilities, I'd guess that you don't see a signal there because there is no signal there! But let's break the problem down into simpler parts so that ...
gbarry's user avatar
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How do the ESP32 and CH340C need to be connected to enable serial communication and auto-reset for boot-loading?

My guess is you switched the BJTs in the original circuit to FETs. As you see in the FET symbol, it has an internal (intrinsic) diode from Source to Drain, which a BJT does not have. Which means, when ...
Justme's user avatar
  • 172k

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