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26 votes

FPGA to control NEMA stepper motor

No. Just like a microcontroller, an FPGA pin will provide nowhere near enough current to drive a motor. If you're lucky you might get 20mA out of an FPGA pin, in practice most I've come across are ...
Tom Carpenter's user avatar
5 votes

Should ferrite beads be closer to the stepper motor or to the motor driver?

Put the bead on the side that connects to the driver board. The bead will suppress CM noise from the board.
hacktastical's user avatar
5 votes

TMC2130 does not work properly

When things don't make sense, then it's time to RTFM. According to the TMC2130 datasheet, the spi pins (and others) are configuration inputs. Section 24 of the datasheet explains. To select edit[SPI] ...
Kartman's user avatar
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Bipolar stepper motor spins very slowly and makes a loud noise

Check with a multimeter that red-yellow is one coil and blue-orange is the other. The chart shows that you've got to start the stepper at about 500 Hz and ramp up. Starting at too high a frequency ...
Transistor's user avatar
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4 votes

Isolating digital I/O on an Atmega328

I would use a dual supply level translator such as 74LVC8T245. As stated in the datasheet, when either VCCA or VCCB are at the GND level, both ports are at high impedance (i.e. disconnected). ...
next-hack's user avatar
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How does this part of the schematic control the torque?

This circuit is designed to reduce the power to your stepper motors when they are idle to prevent overheating. It does this poorly. Adding a 1N914 diode placed in parallel with R4 will guarantee that ...
William Vancura's user avatar
4 votes

How do I wire a TMC2130 stepper motor driver to an Arduino UNO in order to control it?

This schematic reminds me of those DRV8825 schematics. Pretty simple to follow: Source: TC2130 Arduino Wiring (Last checked: 07/13/2018)
Eric J. Anderson's user avatar
4 votes

Why is the common lead of unipolar motor connected to the high level voltage?

Silicon switching devices intended for low side switching (ie, the ground side) such as N-FETs and NPN transistors utilize bucket brigade displacement of free electrons in the silicon as charge ...
Chris Stratton's user avatar
4 votes

Stepper motor driver TMC2209 is powered from microcontroller logic pins

From the datasheet you can see the input has protective diodes. Your VCC is floating, but if you apply voltage to the STEP pin, the VCC gets powered through the protective diode.
Jano952's user avatar
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What could be the reasons for a stepper motor stuttering with an A4988 driver?

After many days, I have finally tracked down the causes of the issues. Software I misunderstood the purpose of Pull Up/Pull Down resistors within the MCU. I thought floating pins (which the STEP pin ...
Starman's user avatar
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How do Arduino-based 3D-printers control several stepper motors at the same time?

The delay() function is bad programming practice and it's unfortunate that it is taught to beginners. ...
Transistor's user avatar
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4 votes

FPGA to control NEMA stepper motor

No, not possible to drive motors directly from an FPGA. The FPGA IO pins are logic level signals. While perhaps they can be quite strong for logic level signals, they are not strong enough to provide ...
Justme's user avatar
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4 votes

BLDC vs Stepper motor

Stepper motors are reluctance machines. The rotor is made of steel, although there are also hybrid models which do have also a permanent magnet The rotor aligns to stator in a such way that reluctance ...
Marko Buršič's user avatar
4 votes

Purpose of PWM in a stepper motor driver

Stepper motors are externally-commutated motors. So the speed is controlled by the driver which varies the speed operating on how quick the phases are exchanged. Often they also run in open loop, i.e. ...
linuxfan says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
4 votes

Can you control the speed of a DC motor with a stepper motor controller?

No, that won't work. A stepper motor driver outputs switched DC waveforms, which is somewhat similar to AC, in sync with the position of the shaft. A DC motor requires DC. A PWM is also a switched DC ...
Davide Andrea's user avatar
4 votes

TMC5160 stepper drivers don't enable the motor, "open load" bits set, driver error

I use this driver and the open load problem is there when there is a connection problem. But in this case, it looks to me that the footprint of the WSD4098 is wrong: Based on this picture, the Pin 4 ...
MF3's user avatar
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Need a way to decrease the current used by a stepper motor through a TMC2209 when it is idle

Look at page 50 and 51 of the DATASHEET. The setting you are looking for is "IHOLD". It can take values from 0 to 31. 31 being full current. You will have to test in your application for ...
evildemonic's user avatar
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Switch activated by stepper motor unintentionally

A button can bounce and generate multiple transitions when pressed (or released). From the posted code, button_handler1 is set to run an interrupt handler on a ...
Chester Gillon's user avatar
3 votes

How does this part of the schematic control the torque?

Looks like those transistors simply delay the step signal and apply it as the current demand. If you step fast enough it will stay in high current, and if you single step it goes into holding current ...
Trevor_G's user avatar
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Pulse+ Pulse- with stepper motors

It may just be the anode and cathode polarity indicators for an optically isolated drive signals. Here is an example product with similar terminology from Rhinomc RMCS-225X:
justing's user avatar
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Should I worry about EMC when building a PWM stepper motor driver with 1.5 meter cable?

Should I worry about EMC when building.. ALWAYS. Any good engineer has EMC built in as a base level design criteria along with efficiency and cost. If you do not take it into account, you are setting ...
Trevor_G's user avatar
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3 votes

Driving a 5-Phase / 5-Wire Stepper Motor

You connect each phase to a separate h-bridge output. Since there is no common wire, you will have to energize at least two coils. This page shows the specific details:
theamk's user avatar
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I need help controlling the 'sled' motor of a CD-ROM, based off of a datasheet

My notes are for measurements made on the similar BD7902 chip. SLED_in1 has measured average voltage of 1.412V SLED_in2 has ...
glen_geek's user avatar
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Why does (dis)connecting a stepper motor while powered on damage the driver?

Because it is possible that one of the lines will disconnect first, the inductance on the line still connected can lead to dangerously high (or low) voltage levels and the other side of the free ...
evildemonic's user avatar
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Rotate stepper motor in low RPM and minimum vibration

Stepper motors are natuarally resonant around each holding position because the holding torque varies from zero at the holding position out to a step distance away where the torque at its maximum. ...
Trevor_G's user avatar
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3 votes

How to remove Black cooling paste on IC?

It seems to be some kind of thermal glue. I removed it with (which I think was a lot) acetone and after a few attempts I saw some signs of a writing. It's an L293D. In case someone else has this ...
Timon M's user avatar
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3 votes

How do I wire a TMC2130 stepper motor driver to an Arduino UNO in order to control it?

Looks pretty straight forward to me, there is a diagram in the datasheet on page 5. I would strongly recommend you read and understand the datasheet, if you don't your more than likely to start it up ...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
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3 votes

Why are stepper motor phase currents a sinusoildal waveform?

The sinusoid shown in your question is related to the position of the stepper motor between its base detents it has nothing to do with the current through the phases or the speed (rpm) of the motor. ...
Jack Creasey's user avatar
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