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juhist's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
13 votes

Preference of BJT to MOSFET

8 votes

I am running 10 kVA alternator from 10 hp motor and need some technical clarification

7 votes

Writing DSP algorithms directly in C or assembly?

4 votes

How to optimally decide modified square wave duty cycle for an inverter?

4 votes

Short circuiting a power supply vs. transformer

3 votes

Is it possible to use one voltage source for an op-amp?

3 votes

How do I implement this circuit with transistors?

3 votes

Is it safe to connect DC equipment to a charging battery?

3 votes

Limit current without fuse or breaker

3 votes

Writing DSP algorithms directly in C or assembly?

3 votes

This LM317 diagram doesn't make any sense to me

2 votes

Does USB power delivery support arbitrary voltages?

2 votes

Why could a cheap electricity consumption meter break on modified square wave inverter?

2 votes

Photovoltaic solar cell attached to load device

2 votes

Resistor in series, or voltage divider?

2 votes

How does MPPT maintain a constant voltage?

1 vote

Capacitor discharge question

1 vote

Can I get a 14V output from a 12V transformer?

1 vote

Best way to halve 12V battery voltage for 6V device, while still being able to measure the battery level?

1 vote

Would a current pass in a resistless wire, like a superconducting one, when its ends are connected to the terminals of an ideal battery?

1 vote

Does this inductance measuring oscillator circuit work?

1 vote

How does a solar / PV inverter get preference over grid source for the house load?

1 vote

MOSFET overheating and voltage drop

1 vote

Calculating CCA of a starter battery

0 votes

Can grid-tie inverters charge UPS batteries if connected to the UPS output?

0 votes

What is the best approach when writing functions for embedded software in order to get better performance?

0 votes

How does a cheap RLC meter eliminate resistance from a measured inductance?

0 votes

Power MOSFET Simetrix simulation using in LLC

0 votes

Why are the 10A inputs on many multimeters unfused?

0 votes

Checking battery capacity of 7 amp 12 volt AGM batteries for UPS