I'm confused when seeing wires contain GND and VCC in a schematic. Mainly their flows.
I never confused when see in digital logic wires schematic like logic gates. I understand flows in digital schema.
Meanwhile i don't understand how flows in electronic schemes due to there's two flows like conventional flow (VCC to GND) and electron flow (GND to VCC) that's will be problem for me about its state.
So, do u think contain or much electrons in a wire means 0 or 1 state? Or there's no relation?
I know HIGH voltage means 1 which it's VCC and LOW voltage means 0 which it's GND. But, Aren't unconnected wires means 0 state too? Because it contains 0 volt in wires. But also it's not work in some devices when disconnect wires to express 0 state.
The problem is when i want identify, analyzing, and solving digital logic in wires.
Like this picture below,1 state in red color, black means 0. But theres no blacked wires on below. consider input A is constant 1. Then the output (LIGHT) is always 1. In same wires, input B is variable, but there's no way to turn off the light (make output 0 state) because when B=0 the output still 1. It's because A+B = 1+0 = 1 And moreover, if B=1 then A+B = 1+1 = 1
This digital scheme truth table same as OR gate. But im talking about directly connected wires. Which will it affect to other wires or not in digital electronic scheme which contain VCC and GND.