Note: This question about multiplexers is similar to but not identical to this question which is about demultiplexers.
I want to build a fully parameterisable multiplexer in SystemVerilog. So far, I know how to build multiplexers of variable widths like this:
module scale_mux #(parameter WIDTH = 1) (
input logic sel_a,
logic [WIDTH-1:0] in_a,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] out);
unique case (sel_a)
1'b1 : out = in_a;
1'b0 : out = in_b;
default: out = 1'bx;
I also know how to extend this for 4:1 and 8:1 multiplexers. But the number of case statements for large multiplexers will be a lot.
I'd like to build a multiplexer in which the number of inputs is variable. I'm not sure how I can extend this case statement for the n input case, do you have any ideas?