My question is, essentially, as stated in the title. For what it's worth, it's prompted by a comment made by Stuart Sutherland on page 256 of his RTL Modelling with SystemVerilog:
The primary RTL modeling construct for combinational logic is the always procedure, using either the general purpose always keyword or the RTL-specific always_comb keyword. These always procedures can take advantage of the robust set of operators programming statements that are discussed in Chapters 5 and 6, whereas continuous assignments are limited to using only SystemVerilog operators.
I have bolded the relevant sentence. The suggestion seems to be that there are more operators which can be used while in an always
statement but, even after flipping back through the book, I can't seem to find any suggestion of this.
Chapter 5 is titled "RTL Expression Operators" and Chapter 6 "RTL Programming Statements". I suspect Sutherland was using "operator" very inclusively to also mean things like if-else
statements, case
statements, etc., in which case the claim makes sense.