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Using Analog Discovery V2 to Generate 16.384 MHz for ADE7880 CLKin Pin - Connection and Setup Advice Needed

I'm new to electronics and I'm working with the ADE7880 IC and having trouble with its clock configuration. This IC is quite specific about its crystal selection, and currently, I'm unable to ...
Zaeem Ahmed's user avatar
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Verifying if HSE is used by MCU as system clock without probing

I have a PCB where I use an 8 MHz quartz resonator as this MCU's external system clock source. In STM32CubeIDE the setting is as follows: The program runs fine in MCU, but I cannot be sure if HSE is ...
cm64's user avatar
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Problem initializing PLL as clock NUCLEO-H563ZI

I am trying to initialize the clock with PLL as system clock. The code I used is the following ...
gagan chopra's user avatar
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STM32f030 Inconsistent clock

I am trying to write my own microsecond delay function for an STM32f030R8t6 by using the counter function on Timer 3. The first time I power the microcontroller up after flashing the delay works ...
Eric14003's user avatar
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STM32F031 HSI clock temperature impact

I developed an electrical board that contains a STM32F31C4T6. The product worked well for more than two but since this summer I have customer feedback on malfunctions of the card, it no longer works ...
Kolia's user avatar
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STM32G431 CMSIS clock setup failed

I am currently developing with the WeAct Studio STM32G431 Board, but when I tried to configure the clock setup something went terribly wrong. During the debugging process the ST link connection broke ...
Jakob Flocke's user avatar
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Slave SPI not firing interrupt

I have 2 STM32F407 discovery boards for which I'm trying to setup a multi slave SPI bus. The first slave is working but the other one is making problems once I connect the second CLK input onto the ...
Michael's user avatar
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STM32F407 PLL config not producing 1ms SysTick

I've a bare metal PLL setup for my STM32F407 which should generate a 168MHz system clock. However for some reason the 1ms SysTick interrupt is orders of magnitude off the grid. The math works out on ...
Michael's user avatar
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Is it possible to make two-cycle bitbang on STM32?

I have a Nucleo-F103RB (evaluation board with the STM32F103RBT6 MCU) and I am learning STM32 assembler. I have set the SYSCLK on MCO pin and make a blink led example successfuly. But then I have faced ...
Arseniy's user avatar
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What is the maximum PLL output frequency in the STM32H7A3?

I'm setting up a hyperram, and I want to run it at 200MHz, with the DHQC setting enabled. The peripheral manual on page 874 says: DHQC must not be set when the prescaler value is 0, as this action ...
Drew's user avatar
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SD Card CLK stops working properly on STM32F4 with SDIO connections

I have an SD Card socket connected to STM32F4 with the connections as follows: The firmware uses the following codes to initialize the SDIO: ...
Patratacus's user avatar
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STM32H7 not utilizing the 480MHz PLL clock

hope y'all are doing well. I am currently trying to get my STM32H753ZIT6U to 480MHz as its the max clock frequency it can achieve, however when doing the procedure to change the frequency I am not ...
Leoc's user avatar
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Choosing the clock for STM32

I'm building a custom board using a STM32F303K8T6. This custom board will be connected to 4 other custom boards via CAN bus protocol. The task of the following board is to drive high switches if there ...
Nik_01's user avatar
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Can a single crystal oscillator drive both an MCU and an ADC?

My STM32G491 design uses an 8MHz crystal for the HSE clock based on the reference design. My design also has a ΔΣ ADC that requires an 8.192MHz LVCMOS clock signal. I do not have any synchronization ...
Mike's user avatar
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Fix clock settings on STM32F105 with 25MHz oscillator

Noob here :) While reverse engineering a CAN bus filter module: Using existing code from Github: It appears that the clock settings aren't correct because <...
brigadir's user avatar
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Confusion about the meaning of HSE clock modes for an STM32 board

I have this STM32F303K8 board and I couldn't figure out whether this board has its own crystal oscillator or not. I can set the clock as Crystal/Ceramic as follows: and set the clock source as HSE as ...
cm64's user avatar
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STM32 hardware design for clock

I want to develop my own PCB using STM32F4. I want to use an external 16MHz clock. Where do I have to connect the clock, OSCIN32-OSCOUT32 (pins 3 and 4) or OSCIN-OSCOUT (HSE) (pins 5 and 6 in ...
Developing Electronics's user avatar
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Prescaler vs Counter Period (STM32)

For timers on the stm32, there is the option of setting prescaler and counter period. I understood that the prescaler is dividing the frequency before using it for the counter. However, it seems to me ...
bilaljo's user avatar
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Multiplexer bandwidth limit (Datasheet decryption) for two external clock on STM32

I would like to have the possibility to select between two main clock on my STM32. Both clock are single ended, 3V3 LVCMOS output. First clock is a 19.2 MHz TCXO, and second clock is a variable clock ...
rom1nux's user avatar
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Crystal oscillators of an STM32 microcontroller board

I have the STM32F302R8 MCU board.l Its user manual is here. There are two crystal oscillators on the board. X3 is missing and X1 seems to be used for the small debugger microcontroller (circled in ...
cm64's user avatar
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Why is the MCU clock out waveform sinusoidal and not square pulse

I got a new oscilloscope :) (proud amateur moment) I am trying to visualize the internal clock of a STM32G431RBT6 MCU. So I built an example program given by the vendor which provides the MCU clock ...
anirudhan's user avatar
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Is HSE clock is a type of internal clock or ETR?

In STM32 microcontrollers there is a distinction between HSI and HSE(high speed external). This indicates an internal external distinction. On the other hand as shown in this document there is ...
pnatk's user avatar
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What is my DAC clocking frequency for this STM32 board?

I'm trying to figure out the exact clocking frequency of the DACs for this board. Here is the clock config: And the code section for the DAC initilaztion: ...
pnatk's user avatar
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STM32 : set APB1 and APB2 to same clock frequency

When configuring a STM32 (or at least my STM32F722ZE based nucleo board), there are 2 clock frequencies, one for APB1, the other for APB2. The annoying thing is that some timers use APB1, other use ...
Sandro's user avatar
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Clock source of an STM32G030K6T6

I am currently designing a GPS tracker and have decided to go with an STM, choosing just STM32G030K6T6 (datasheet). I currently have the following pinout configured: My question is, since there is no ...
lasb3tas's user avatar
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STM32F7: need of a crystal? Which resonator?

I'm currently designing a PCB based on a STM32 micro-controller (more precisely a STM32F722ZE). The question is : do I need a high speed clock (or is the internal good enough)? If so, what crystal and ...
Sandro's user avatar
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Interfacing with a C64 SID Chip (clone)

I bought a MOS 6582 clone and want to control it with a STM32 Nucleo. Basically make a simple MIDI controlled synth. The hookup looks simple, but have a control question. Here's the detail on the ...
OldProgrammer's user avatar
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LCD with PCF8574 I2C driver doesn't work on frequencies lower than 2 MHz (STM32F103 Bluepill)

I am working on a low power project using the STM32 "Bluepill" and I would like to use an LCD without the need to set the frequency for the HCLK (Core Clock) to anything beyond 500 kHz. ...
A.H.Z's user avatar
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Is it a good idea to omit HSE in favour of HSI?

I'm considering using stm32 L412 chip that comes with a 48Mhz HSI with +/- 0.25% accuracy. On the datasheet it says HSI can be used to drive usb fs peripheral. I will also using SPI peripheral. https:/...
Mridul's user avatar
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STM32L4 clock set up

I'm using STM32L4R5 for my project and this is my first time designing a clock source and using an ST microcontroller. I'm trying to figure out the clocking hardware configuration by reading the clock ...
cy1125's user avatar
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Does the STM32F103C8T6 blue pill chip require external resonators?

I am designing a custom PCB with the bluepill MCU, which I want to program over ST link and SWD, which external resonators are a must? In the standard version, it comes with 32kHz and 8MHz: https://...
Marco Bobinger's user avatar
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How to select between different PLL and divider configurations with same result

I'm new to STM32 and totally ARM. I'm learning STM32 by a NUCLEO-L053R8 board and currently working on clock configurations. I want to clock CPU, USB and RNG all by PLL connected to HSI16 so there is ...
AmirSina Mashayekh's user avatar
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How to change the clock frequency of a STM32H753ZI

just got a new MCU for testing and having a hard time changing its clock speed to the maximum (480MHz) Using bare metals or directly manipulating the registers as I never liked the HAL interface. What ...
Leoc's user avatar
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RTC time is not kept in Stm32f103 by vbat

I am using stm32f103c8 and External Clock Crystal (LSE). I connected the Vbat with a 1220 coin battery. But when I turn off VDD and turn on the micro again, the time and date are all zero. Why time is ...
Mojtaba Miraki's user avatar
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SPI connection is not working

I am trying to establish an SPI connection using the Nucleo-F030R8 board but there's no signal coming out. How do you start the connection? I did the configurations using STM32CUBE MX software and ...
navesaurus's user avatar
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LTC2311 CMOS SPI connection with STM32

I am currently using LTC2311 as ADC with CMOS setting in my circuit. However, I cannot seem to get any output out in the microcontroller (I use the STM32 Nucleo development board). My question is that ...
navesaurus's user avatar
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Which libs to use with a STM32F103C6 microcontroller? [closed]

I'm very new with ARM microcontrollers and I've been doing a lite lecture of about 4 books to know how to configure this devices to start programming them. First I did a reading an how to use mbed but ...
vram's user avatar
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Ways to observe clock signal of an STM32 MCU

Is there a nice way to be able to observe the clock signal in an oscilloscope to validate my settings for clock speed? After setting it to 168 MHz with PLL for an STM32F407VGT6 MCU let's say.
muyustan's user avatar
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STM32WB - sensor data sent via BLE and saved on SD card (SPI)

I have an STM32WB and I am trying to get the data from some pressure, temperature and humidity sensors through DMA and send them to my Android via BT, while at the same time saving it as well on a SD ...
Bogdan-Mihai Nistor's user avatar
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Internal oscillator drift and its effect on UART

I am eager to know whether a 150kHz drift of internal oscilator clock (mentioned in a STM32 MCU operating with 8MHz internal clock) could destroy a UART connection?
Bornak's user avatar
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Increasing system clock frequency on STM32F303 drops I2C clock proportionately - why?

I'm trying to figure out a weird little issue I've discovered while debugging another element of my code. I've got a STM32F303K8 reading and writing to an I2C peripheral. The I2C clock speed is ...
pileunderflow's user avatar
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RCC clock freq in STM32F103

If I select internal clock source to run my TIM3 in TM32F103 (TIMxCLK from RCC) as shown in the attached picture: CK_INT Then how to find out what is the freq of this clock? I am using External ...
alt-rose's user avatar
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STM32F405 Setting Clock Freq Less than Max 168 MHz

For STM32F405 the max system clock frequency is 168 MHz. I want to run it at marginally lower frequency only for the sake of safety and reliability because my application will run non-stop through out ...
scico111's user avatar
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Zero-R Resistor on XTAL pins

Looking at the schematics of the STM32F4-Discovery board page 28, whose screenshot is attached below.. there is a Zero Ohms resistor 'R25' which is shown in the circuit with the Crystal. And there is ...
scico111's user avatar
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MASTER Clock output from one micro to another vs independent clock src

I have a Small STM32 Nucleo board where the on-board ST-Link debugger has an 8mhz crystal for the debugging microcontroller. That microcontroller is set up to output its MASTER clock, in other words ...
Edwin Fairchild's user avatar
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Can I use an unmodified ST Nucleo-F303RE to develop USB devices?

I want to use my Nucleo-F303RE to develop firmware for a USB HID. The stm32f303ve data sheet states in section 3.25 that for the USB peripheral to work, the MCU needs a HSE crystal oscillator. ...
Quaternion's user avatar
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LSE fail to enable

I am using a blue pill with STM32F103C8 and I am trying to debugg my programm but every time it is stack in the activation of the LSE clock (LL_RCC_LSE_IsReady() != 1) I have the following system ...
Theodros Katzalis's user avatar
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STM32L0 - Delay in microseconds

I am using a B-L072Z-LRWAN1 board (which has a STM32L072 MCU) and I want to get data from a DHT11 sensor. To achieve this, I need a microseconds delay which I am not able to obtain. The libraries ...
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How do I configure system clock while using MBED IDE?

Just starting to use STM32 boards with web-based MBED IDE. This IDE don't have anything like Project configuration menu like other IDEs do. So I can not understand how do I configure system clock. ...
Roman Matveev's user avatar
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Separate GND-plane for microcontroller crystal resonator

1.  Background info I'm designing a board for an STM32F767ZI microcontroller. This microcontroller has a primary oscillator for the SYSCLK (overall system ...
K.Mulier's user avatar
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