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30A 50Hz AC current source for impedance measurement

Perhaps you don't need to have perfect current control as long as you can accurately measure the current? In that case, just about any professional audio amplifier will do. You can get them as a ...
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica's user avatar
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30A 50Hz AC current source for impedance measurement

take a 30A capable 3V transformer and put a light-bulb or power resistor in series with the primary (to limit the short circuit current) . Instead of regulating the current use a current-transformer ...
Jasen  Слава Україні's user avatar
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30A 50Hz AC current source for impedance measurement

If you want 12VRMS maximum output voltage, that's 17V peak. With a linear circuit as described in the question (ie, MOSFETs) with an optimized gate drive it would need say +/-20V supply. If the load ...
bobflux's user avatar
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2 grounds on the same board

The solution is to reverse the hat and turn it into a mainboard. So you can build a mainboard with: Power input connector, up to 30V DC as mentioned in the question Power switches and their output ...
bobflux's user avatar
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2 grounds on the same board

If the two power supplies are unrelated then nothing will happen. You can think of them as two separate batteries. Each board connected to it's own supply and return wire. So the large drive currents ...
Justme's user avatar
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How to measure current of pulsed power, what's wrong with my current shunt?

The current probe has a low pass characteristic. According the datasheet, it's upper cut-off frequency is 50kHz. Hence any current components with frequencies greater than this will be under ...
RYR051's user avatar
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