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2 votes

Board files for MYiR Z turn lite FPGA dev board

The board is listed on the Xilinx 'boards and development kits' page for this FPGA and the manufacturer is endorsed as a Xilinx partner. As Xilinx are recommending this board and manufacturer, use the ...
TonyM's user avatar
  • 23.8k
2 votes

Are there CPLD / FPGA toolchains and workflows that bypass vendor IDEs?

I know of this only from doing web searches on "Open source FPGA tool chain": I have not tried it. You're on your own...
TimWescott's user avatar
  • 47.1k
2 votes

Cross GNU ARM Toolchain

1) Cross - meaning you can compile on architecture A to the machine code of architecture B. 2) GNU - recursive acronym for "GNU's Not Unix!". A Linux based project focusing on providing free open ...
Eugene Sh.'s user avatar
  • 10.1k

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