Electronics noob here. I made a simple follow-LED circuit in one direction using a 555 timer, a 93N counter, and a 138N decoder. Now I want to make it go back and forth.
This is what I tried:
- Added a 04N inverter to get the following opposite values.
- Added one 151N multiplexer for each bit (regular and inverted.)
- Tied a single select pin of each multiplexer to a button.
Now I can change the direction with a button press, but I'd like to automate that action.
I was thinking of using a flip-flop (76N) for the multiplexer selection, but I have to get a clock signal when either all bits are 0s or 1s.
I could use an AND gate for when all are 1 and a NAND for 0, but how then I would have to select from those two on some kind of condition. But they are not clock signals.
Can this approach work? Not looking to optimize yet, just practicing working with ICs.