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-4 votes
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Thévenin equivalent [closed]

Find the Thévenin equivalent to the left of the diode. What type of diode biasing is it? Then deduce ( I_D ) and ( V_D ).
Mousa Kaseem's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to understand and improve Simple Diode Amplitude modulator circuit

Here is the circuit I am a beginner so I'm not sure what exactly could be done to improve the circuit but let me go through what i understand about the circuit. The circuit is comprised of the ...
Official Pyramid's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Help with wiring 2x60AHV DC motor controller

The Project I’m building a mobile cart utilizing two gearboxes to facilitate movement, each gearbox is driven by two 12V 775 motors. The cart will be used to transport my telescope and other equipment....
K H's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Bench supply protection diode replacement

I have damaged a 30V 5A bench supply by connecting it to 21V in reverse polarity. It was on at the time, set to 21V 1.7A with no load. Maybe you guessed, I was attempting to charge a 5S LiPo pack but ...
Jamesfo's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Why are my LEDs not behaving properly upon wiring them to the outputs of my 74LS47 decoder? [closed]

Everything works properly in terms of logistics. I wired the inputs as LLHL following the truth table of the datasheet of the decoder (inputs are wired properly). Then I wired left LED to g and right ...
Avery's user avatar
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2 votes
7 answers

0-10V LEDs Indicator

I really liked the solution shared by @Chromatix in this post. However, that solution works for 14V. I need a similar solution for a case where the voltage ranges between 0-10V, with the following ...
sabruri1's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Why do I measure a different voltage across an LED when I measure the two terminals with my multimeter vs when measuring everything related to GND?

When I measure the voltages to GND I get the following: Anode: 3.3 V Cathode: 1.75 V However when I try to measure the voltage directly across it connecting the multimeter to the two terminals it ...
Márton Gáspár's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How calculate the values of resistance and capacitor for a 7805 regulator circuit? [closed]

I would like to know how to calculate the values of Rs and Cout in this circuit.
드라이브스루's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Please help me identify IC TP84

Please help me identify following IC. TP84
HNLinh's user avatar
  • 347
0 votes
0 answers

Faulty BMS diode identification

I had a short in the light circuit, resulting in the battery not outputting at full charge. I found a diode with a short, so I need help to identify it for replacement.
Dr_dave's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why isn't the method of assumed states working here?

This is the circuit. . Let us use the method of assumed states. Considering the diode ON There is no current flow across the 2k resistor. $$I_D=0$$ So, the diode is not ON. It is OFF (verified). ...
tryingtobeastoic's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

I'm practicing building a circuit by looking at the circuit. Is this correct?

I'm practicing building a circuit by looking at the circuit. Is this correct?
user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

JBL Link20 Mainboard - A25P 78 component

I have a question, really need your help here please. Trying to identify what component is this from the mainboard TXC-M E250336 which belongs to a JBL Link20. It has A25P 78 marked on it. I have ...
Dan Paschevici's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is this a bad schematic

I am looking at a circuit diagram for an L298N module: from I found out that the actual negative part of the diode is ...
SnappyRiffs's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

MOSFET driving external inductive load with high-side PTC protection and free wheeling diode

I intend to drive an inductive load across JP8 with a standard N-type MOSFET. We like to protect the high-side output with a PTC to guard against short-circuits, although our 12V supply is current-...
gsimard's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What is this diode's purpose in an LR7843 MOSFET control module?

I would like to know the purpose of a diode connected to the optoisolator and gate resistor of this Chinese MOSFET module. Is it for reverse polarity protection? What kind of diode could it be? I've ...
en1010's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Inference of analog neural network in LTspice

I am attempting to replicate the XOR model described in the paper "Training End-to-End Analog Neural Networks with Equilibrium Propagation" using LTspice. Specifically, I am using the ...
Mitarano's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to Safely Control two Linear Actuators Using Both a Microcontroller and an RF Receiver?

I recently bought a kit that includes a couple of linear actuators, a power supply, a control box, and a remote. Currently, the actuators can only be operated using the included remote. I’m ...
dentex's user avatar
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0 answers

Find datasheet or similar model parts that can i replace with this: LTTH15L06DF [duplicate]

Need help to find out this datasheet or similar model parts that can i replace with this? DIODE, Ultrafast, LTTH15L06DF, 600V, 15A, TO-220FPAC, LITEON Want LITEON Part datasheet for find similar part. ...
user453869's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is this a good design for connecting 2 power sources to the PCB?

I’m designing a PCB that is powered by a 3-cell LiPo battery. The battery’s +12V output is stepped down to +5V using an LM2596S-5 switching regulator, and then further stepped down to +3.3V with an ...
Robert's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to choose a relay? [closed]

I'm having trouble sourcing a 12V 20/30A SPDT relay (or similar) with flyback resistance that has BOTH a diode and resistor. I need to protect my ECM on a vehicle as the ECM is directly providing the ...
David Heistuman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I determine the type of a flyback diode that is not marked?

The diode on my AVR popped. I believe it is a flyback diode, but it has no marking. I could not find the schematic or datasheet for my Denon AVR-X3300W board. I am trying to find a source for the part ...
fikri najmi's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Schottky Diode with High Frequency Signal

I have an issue with my Circuit, it looks following: The circuit consists of a current limiting resistor the Schottky Diode NSVR0170HT1G and an ESD Diode in parallel. A MCU is driving the PWM Signal ...
TErlieskttainvo's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

BJT transistors using diodes? [duplicate]

I am researching about Bipolar Junction Transistors and found this image on website: Circuit Crush - How a BJT Works, figure 4: I know that this configuration of diodes is not correct due to the way ...
SnappyRiffs's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Can anybody help me identify IC 1Q0__?

Can anybody help me identify this burnt IC (the markings are partially obstructed):
HNLinh's user avatar
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0 answers

Am I right in calculating my schematics?

I’m studying electronics at university, but I didn’t quite understand the topic. Experts, could you check if my calculations for the first two circuits are correct? And please help me understand how ...
BearShark's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Diode current voltage characteristic issues

I'm trying to find the current-voltage characteristic of a red LED diode in the biggest possible range using five 3 V batteries, one 100 Ω resistor and ten diodes, but my graph is wrong: The ...
Olivier's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Can functional diodes and capacitors be printed on a PCB instead of soldering?

I want to print a fractal, capacitor circuit, network using diodes in strings of 3, with 2 capacitors in each circuit. The goal is to get 96 capacitors and 144+ diodes on the board. That is a lot of ...
Bill's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Explain the circuit inside a rechargeable hair trimmer

I have a small, normal hair trimmer: This is the circuit inside it: Some information: The batteries are two rechargeable Ni-Cd 1.2V batteries. D1 has 0.7V forward voltage. LED (marked with "...
Dat's user avatar
  • 521
1 vote
2 answers

LTspice: photodiode current

I am working on building a circuit using the SG01D-5Lens (opamp: LMC6001) in LTspice, based on the values from the datasheet, in order to verify whether the theoretical values match the simulation ...
user453071's user avatar
0 votes
5 answers

Diode-less op amp circuits that can simulate a diode

Gyrators can be used to simulate circuit properties of inductors. Is there something similar you can do, where you use a circuit with no diode to simulate a diode?
Necarion's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Reverse diode across power supply output terminals

simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab Hello, Could someone please explain the role of the D1 diode in this circuit? This is part of the power supply filtering in a VHF ...
Dan Corneanu's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Pnp transistor blocking back feed current on collector side?

Why can't I use a pnp transistor as a switch to send voltage to a battery to start charging it (the details of the charging circuit is limting current, so no damage to transistor. I Just need the ...
EETechs's user avatar
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0 answers

Diode SPICE model for the HSMS-2860 in CST schematic

Trying to create diode in CST schematic but getting this error. Use same values and import it in CST as .lib file (notepad file names as .lib). Transmission lines used for impedance matching. ...
Abdalian's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Varactor diode Direct FM Modulation circuit. Trouble finding values to make this circuit work. LTSPICE

I am trying to build a simulation of Direct Modulation for Frequency modulation using a varactor diode (MV2201) and bjt npn 2n3904 using the circuit shown below. I cannot use RFC in my circuit right ...
Rajat's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Solving for currents in diode circuit

I’m trying to solve a diode circuit problem, and I'm asked to get the value of I1, I2, I3 and V3 and V1. I’m applying the equations considering an ideal diode with 0.75 V drop. The equations I'm ...
psich's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Diode from a controller board identification

I'm facing some trouble identifying the following diode Diode with three I or 1 all over the sphere face: There are three I or 1...
Ayeie Brazo's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I calculate the output voltage of this circuit with a diode?

I need to calculate the range of the output voltage Vo for the range -5<=Vi<=5. The diode is silicon. It's all fine when Vi is 2V and below because then the diode won't conduct. But, I don't ...
Mert Sığınmış's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What diode size for connecting two AC to DC power supplies in series

I would love to connect two power supplies together in series. They are both Meanwell UHP-500-12 power supplies to get 1000 watts at 24 volts (the Meanwell UHP-1000-24 only generates 700 watts on 120 ...
Jared Carter's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Diode Does not Passing Voltage while Simulating Full Wave Rectifier in Advanced Design System (ADS)

I am new on ADS so i'm still trying to learn but now having some problems with simulating the full wave rectifier circuit on the first image. The diode does not pass the voltage through. I have tried ...
Semi Bertuğ Çağ's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Finding the resistance to turn both diodes on

For part (a) I got \$ I_x = .93 \, mA \$ and \$V_x = 5.58 \, V \$ which aligns with my professors answers. However for part (b), I am confused on the correct approach. To preface, I simulated this ...
Connor's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Cryptic simulated voltage in Circuit Lab

Simulating in Circuit Lab (on SE.EE), I discovered some behaviour where the addition of an open-circuit switch changes a voltage (by over five volts). See below: the D1.A-D2.K junction should surely ...
jonathanjo's user avatar
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1 answer

What is name of this diode (marking SL 1T)?

I have vaccum cleaner and a few days ago, it doesn’t work at all. I dismantled its plastic case and I finally found that a diode, which located in laser lidar sensor's PCB and which is written "...
bshi02's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

TVS Diode Identification

Can someone help he identify this TVS Diode? I'm sure it's made by Vishay.
Paul Denis's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Could an automotive 24V/10A relay without a flyback diode be burned out?

I'm a junior EE working on a complaint from a client. Our machines are designed such that when you activate the remote control an internal relay switches the incoming interlock signal from a steering ...
borregon's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

If diodes fail open with an overcurrent condition, why do they sometimes fail shorted from reverse polarity in a power supply?

I've been doing some research on how diodes fail, and to my understanding, diodes (specifically traditional and Schottky) fail open when their rated current is exceeded for an extended period of time, ...
J. Street's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Simplest way to find peak capacitor voltage in this circuit?

I'm curious about how the circuit diagrammed below can most easily be analyzed without the use of a circuit simulator -- the old fashioned way, by hand. All I'm interested in calculating is the ...
ecksemmess's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Testing a battery with a multimeter in diode mode

I did the test. I tested a couple of AA batteries (1.2V-1.5V) and CR2032 (2.5V-3.0V) with different amounts of usages, and one overly depleted AG44 battery (0.1V) and one rechargeable 18650 battery. ...
Jaeseop Ahn's user avatar
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Is this latch on/latch off circuit involving USB-C correct?

I'm having a lot of trouble getting a clear understanding of transistors/MOSFETs. I'm currently trying to nail down the USB and power side of my overall circuit. I am completely self-taught with ...
happycamper1221's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do you solve for v_o in this clipper circuit?

Here is the circuit: I tried to solve it, but I am just not sure if my solution is correct. First I assumed that d2 is off for the positive half part of the cycle, then the circuit is simplified to ...
Cosmic Dust's user avatar

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