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2 votes

Why don't I measure the signal with my oscilloscope on ESP32

Given limited information, and any number of possibilities, I'd guess that you don't see a signal there because there is no signal there! But let's break the problem down into simpler parts so that ...
gbarry's user avatar
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Aviation Band receiver kit - local oscillator debug

The first suggestion is one that I've seen from people smarter than me. The second is the one I usually use in practice. One thing Take the clip off of the tip of the probe, and make a loop of ...
TimWescott's user avatar
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Why don't I measure the signal with my oscilloscope on ESP32

I figured out what's the problem. When I keep my ESP32 board connected via USB after uploading the program, and measure with the oscilloscope, it works and I see the signal on the pin. I was using a ...
user2190492's user avatar
1 vote

IR2110 high side MOSFET gate signal is not squared

As a response for @winny: I measure HO-Vs. The output is indeed a "perfect" square. After re-studying the MOSFET, I think that I got wrong how it worked. The squared signal needs to be HO-Vs,...
Maximilien Grattepanche's user avatar

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