A schematic by Lattice Semiconductor includes the diagrammed D flip-flop. This D flip/flop accepts, among others, a Set/Reset signal.
I would have understood a Set signal. I would have understood a Reset signal. I would even have understood Set and Reset signals on separate lines. I cannot, however, understand a joint Set/Reset signal.
| |
--| D Q |--
--|>CLOCK |
| |
What is a Set/Reset signal, please?
For optional reference, here is the data sheet (1.5 MB) in which the D flip-flop appears, in Figure 3.2, page 9. I do not, of course, ask you to go to read a 52-page data sheet for me! (That would be my homework, not yours.) Therefore, the relevant quotes from the data sheet as far as I know are as follows.
Each logic cell includes ... a D-style flip-flop (DFF), with an optional clock-enable and reset control input.... [Sect. 3.1.1, page 9.]
... Signal description [is as follows].
- Function: input.
- Type: control signal.
- Signal name: Set/Reset. (Footnote: if Set/Reset is not used, then the flip-flop is never set/reset, except when cleared immediately after configuration).
- Description: Asynchronous or synchronous local set/reset shared by [a block of eight logic cells, each cell including a flip-flop]. [Table 3.1, page 10.]
One can externally disable the Set/Reset signal, presumably via multiplexing or high-Z pull-down, but I see nothing to decide whether the Set/Reset signal—when not disabled—should set the flip-flop or reset it.
Am I missing something?
If you know what a Set/Reset signal is, would you tell me?