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18 votes

Development board's charging unit in a custom PCB production

It uses the MCP73831 charger IC from Microchip. It's a very simple linear charger which only requires a few external parts, so there's absolutely no reason you can't use the circuit from the ...
John D's user avatar
  • 24.7k
17 votes

Simulation versus Prototyping

Are their specific benefits to simulating even basic circuits before building them? The bottom line is this; if you simulate the circuit you are trying to design and the simulation doesn't show ...
Andy aka's user avatar
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12 votes

How to make a re-programmable microcontroller

You want something called a bootloader. This is code that runs in the micro that can accept new code from externally, like a USB port, and write that to the micro's program memory. Then there also ...
Olin Lathrop's user avatar
8 votes

Development board's charging unit in a custom PCB production

This depends 100% on the license to their intellectual property they give you. No general answer can be given. An example for someone who writes that out very clearly is Texas Instruments. Last page ...
Marcus Müller's user avatar
7 votes

Multiple(five) alarm time setting in stm32f0 mcu

Check AN3371 at the official website of ST. However, according to paragraph 2 there are only 2 alarms (A and B). Alternatives: Keep 5 alarms in your own code, set the first alarm (A) as alarm 1. ...
Michel Keijzers's user avatar
7 votes

Simulation versus Prototyping

The second part of the question is "opinion based" and out of scope for this site.. But, simulation is not something meant to replace real world testing. It's another tool in our development ...
Blup1980's user avatar
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5 votes

Simulation versus Prototyping

Some great answers here already. My sentiment is also that sims have replaced 90% of bench tests for me. Making good sims is a skill however, that one needs to develop. Component datasheets and models ...
tobalt's user avatar
  • 23.4k
4 votes

How to make a re-programmable microcontroller

I'd go for Arduino compatible for the first iteration, because Arduino schematics are publically available, so you can use them as a reference, they don't need many extra components and are somewhat ...
Simon Richter's user avatar
4 votes

What comes after you have programmed a Bluetooth Low Energy chip with Nordic SDK and are ready for deployment?

Development board to custom hardware: Development Boards (dev-boards) are incredibly useful for quick prototyping. Typically, after validating your initial design using a development board, you would ...
Daniel's user avatar
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4 votes

Interrupts using member function

Calling the static member of the base class should work. You just have to make sure the Instance pointer is correct. This can be done with the singleton pattern. Be ...
Jeroen3's user avatar
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4 votes

Smart-Grid project

Not really an answer but too long for a comment: I want to build my own custom development board instead of using a pre-designed one. Why on earth would you want do this ? I understand the time and ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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3 votes

Interrupts using member function

If you are hell-bent on using C++ for some reason, then the correct solution is not to create one big "goo" class but to use OO design. Place the ISR as a static function - optionally it can ...
Lundin's user avatar
  • 22.3k
3 votes

Advise on developing (by self) in analog circuit design field

I would do self projects, I tried to start a business selling hardware. Then I found out that there is little money in that and I hate writing software so I bailed out. In the process I hand built ...
Voltage Spike's user avatar
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3 votes

Developing photoresist PCB with UV bank note checker

The rule is not UV = UV = UV. UV only means the waves are shorter than what someone at some point called violet light. If you look at this Material Sheet for a spray on Photo Resist, while it's not a ...
Asmyldof's user avatar
  • 18.5k
3 votes

incorrect voltage applied, dev board still worked

The module contains an extremely simple circuit: The sensor is probably a mechanical one (metal ball or spring) so that works at almost any voltage. The opamp is an LM393 which works form 2 V supply ...
Bimpelrekkie's user avatar
  • 81.4k
3 votes

Development board's charging unit in a custom PCB production

The actual connections and choice of components of a circuit cannot be copyrighted, unless there is a particular artistic and not functional aspect to it. So you are entirely free to choose the same ...
jpa's user avatar
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3 votes

Development board's charging unit in a custom PCB production

Checking out the product information on the Adafruit site yields a link to the repository that contains the board's schematics and layout. There is also an associated license there that explicitly ...
phuzi's user avatar
  • 131
2 votes

Speed calculation using Accelerometer

You really can't calculate speed from accelerometers, in practice. The accelerometer is actually just a gravity-tilt sensor when used on earth. Any error is a tilt error. Now imagine you have an ...
Henry Crun's user avatar
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2 votes

LPC1343 double pin functions

Looking in the user manual if actually found the pin function register. You can, just like the other pins, switch the function via this register. Which I still find odd, because you wouldn't be able ...
wuppie367's user avatar
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2 votes

Development Kit doesn't provide Real-Time Access to Data

The manual, on page 16, section " Board communication" says you can configure the interface to be a COM port. In principle, this means you can send and receive data using many different types ...
jfowkes's user avatar
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2 votes

How to control thermal printer from micro-controller and choose it

Although I have not used that specific printer, I'll answer based on previous experience with similar printers. So to control the printer, do I just have to send bytes according to the command ...
SamGibson's user avatar
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2 votes

Is an FPGA the best tool to generate a continuous flow of square pulses with arbitrary amplitude?

An FPGA driving a reasonably fast DAC could work well for this application. 100 ns pulse width and 1 mV resolution with 1 V range implies a 10 Msps 10 bit DAC may be sufficient. Do you need to adjust ...
alex.forencich's user avatar
2 votes

Development board or Individual Microcontrollers?

You are in it for the experience, so there are no realy bad choices. Just do a lot of tinkering! That said, do start with a ready-made PCB. I'd suggest an Arduino of some sort (my favourite is the Due,...
Wouter van Ooijen's user avatar
2 votes

Emulating microcontroller peripherals

Preface It makes a lot of sense to run the majority of the tests on a PC, compiled for the PC, at least to unit-test your application. Yes, this way you don't run the target code, but that is not the ...
the busybee's user avatar
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1 vote

Is it beneficial to use production hardware over a generalized development kit?

Why you would build a custom system: Full control of everything. Which is a guarantee for longlivety - since parts will eventually go obsolete. Cost-efficient. No need of icky adapters for supply ...
Lundin's user avatar
  • 22.3k
1 vote

Best practices to manage hardware variants in Firmware develpment

Your question touches on a classic difference between high-level software and low-level hardware development. Hardware resources and memory to accommodate the firmware are much more limited as disk ...
fuesika's user avatar
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1 vote

Emulating microcontroller peripherals

It mostly makes sense to test application-layer items on a PC, and only if you for some reason do not have the target hardware available, or in case you worry about special requirements such as ...
Lundin's user avatar
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1 vote

Development board or Individual Microcontrollers?

A typical Dev board is like one of these:- Festooned with 'cool' accessories you probably don't need, that just get in the way and have to be removed before you can use it for anything serious. ...
Bruce Abbott's user avatar
1 vote

Development board or Individual Microcontrollers?

You may know this already, but just in case anyone else needs it, I think it's important to note here that there is no difference whatsoever between the microcontroller on the dev board and the one ...
Hearth's user avatar
  • 38.5k
1 vote

What makes a microcontroller development board powerful?

I just punched "uC dev board" into the google, clicked the first link, for a "Teensy 3.2" and found the following under features. Note that every feature matters and there are many things to consider ...
K H's user avatar
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